The Major Ablution (Ghusl Janabat) | 2024

Understanding Janabat and Ghusl Janabat in Islam

Janabat is a major ritual impurity in Islam, which a person contracts by falling into one of two scenarios: the discharge of semen or by sexual intercourse. If someone becomes junub, it then becomes obligatory for that person to perform the ghusl janabat, or full-body ritual purification, before conducting various religious activities like prayer.

The Qur’an explicitly addresses the need for purification in such states:

“O you who believe! Do not go near prayers when you are… junub until you have washed yourselves…” (Surah an-Nisaa’, 4:43)

“O you who believe! When you stand up for prayers,… if you are junub, then purify.” (Surah al-Maaida, 5:6)

Causes of Janabat

  1. Discharge of Semen

The discharge of semen, whether one is awake or in a wet-dream, requires ghusl janabat. This ruling does not depend on whether the discharge was:

Intentional or unintentional.

Lawful, such as within the limits of marriage, or unlawful, like through masturbation.

If a man is doubtful about a liquid discharge and does not know whether it is semen, he should look for three signs:

Emission with Passion: The discharge occurs with sexual excitement.

Discharge with Spurting: The discharge is accompanied by spurting or shooting out of the liquid.

Feeling of Relaxation: One experiences a sensation of relief or relaxation after discharge.

In case all these three signs are observed together, the discharge is semen, and ghusl janabat becomes necessary.

If in the case of women, a secretion discharges accompanied by sexual passion and a subsequent feeling of relaxation, then as a precaution, ghusl janabat is wajib. If however the secretion discharges without sexual passion or the feeling of relaxation, it is not najis and ghusl is not wajib.

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  1. Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse, whether lawful or unlawful, causes janabat, irrespective of whether semen is discharged. In Islamic law, sexual intercourse is actually defined as the penetration of the glans, or the head of the penis, into the vagina or anus. The extent of penetration need not be full, nor is ejaculation necessary for janabat to occur.

In the case of sexual intercourse, both partners, the man and the woman, are required to perform ghusl janabat.

Ghusl Janabat:

Ghusl Janabat is bathing one’s whole body. A niyyah for purification has to be made, and thereafter, one washes the body in such a way that not even a single part is left dry. Ritual purification is performed so as to prepare the body both spiritually and physically for acts of worship—prayers, reciting the Holy Qur’an, and many more.

Things that a Junub is Forbidden from Doing

Touching the Writing of the Qur’an and Holy Names:

A junub is forbidden from touching the text of the Qur’an, the names and attributes of Allah, the names of the Prophet Muhammad (S), the Imams (A.S.), and Fatimah (S.A.).

Some Verses of the Qur’an that a Junub Cannot Recite:

It is not permitted to recite the verses that require obligatory prostration, sajdah:

Surah As-Sajdah 32:15

Surah Fussilat 41:37

Surah An-Najm 53:62

Surah Al-‘Alaq 96:19

It is better to avoid reciting even one verse from those chapters.

Entering or Remaining in a Mosque:

A junub is not allowed to enter or remain in a mosque, except for crossing it, according to Surah an-Nisaa’ (4:43).

In the following places, even crossing through is not permissible :

Masjidu’l-Haraam; the Sacred Mosque in Mecca

Masjidu’n-Nabi; the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina

Masjidu’l-Imam; Shrines of the Imams A.S.

Leaving or Taking Something out from a Mosque:

A junub is not permitted to leave something in or take it out from a mosque.

Things Makruh for the Junub

Eating and Drinking:

Eating and drinking are makruh except that one makes wudu, gargles, or rinses the nose.

Reciting More Than Seven Verses from the Qur’an:

Except for the four chapters with farz sajdah, reciting more than seven verses from the Qur’an is makruh.

Touching the Cover of the Qur’an:

It is makruh to touch the cover of the Qur’an by a junub.

Sleeping Without Performing Wudu:

A junub sleeping without performing wudu is makruh.

Acts Whose Validity Depend on Ghusl Janabat

Salat (Prayers):

All prayers are makruh, except salatu’l-mayyit, the prayer for a deceased Muslim, if one is junub and has not performed the ghusl janabat.

Wajib Tawaf:

The wajib circumambulation of the Ka’bah during Hajj should be performed after ghusl janabat.


Calculated junub till fajr breaks the Ramadan fast.

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Ghusl Janabat

Ghusl Tartibi Ordinal Bath)


Cleanliness: Remove any najsat from the body such as semen or blood.

Niyyah: Make the intention of performing Ghusl.


First Stage: He should wash his head down to the neck.

Second Stage: He should wash his right side from shoulder to foot, making sure that the water reaches the skin.

Third Stage: Wash the left side of the body from the shoulder to the foot, making sure that this part of the body is also washed well.

Ghusl Irtimasi (Immersion Bath):

Combing Hair:

The hair should be combed using the fingers so that water should reach the roots of the hair.

Istibra (For Men):

Istibra, meaning urinating before ghusl janabat, is done to distinguish the discharge of liquid as being either urine or semen. Therefore, if a discharge occurs subsequent to ghusl and if istibra is done, then the discharge may be treated as urinary discharge and only require wudu; but if istibra had not been done, then the discharge is treated as seminal discharge and the ghusl has to be repeated.

Acts Whose Validity Depends on Ghusl Janabat

Salat (Prayers):

All forms of prayer except salatu’l-mayyit (the prayer for a deceased Muslim) require ghusl janabat if one is junub.

Wajib Tawaf:

The obligatory circumambulation of the Ka’bah during Hajj requires ghusl janabat.


If a person remains junub knowingly until dawn his/her fasting during Ramadan is invalid.

Performing Ghusl Janabat

Ghusl Tartibi: Sequential Bath


Wash away impurities such as semen or blood.

Make the intention, that is, niyyat, for ghusl.


Stage 1: Wash the head down to the neck.

Second Stage: Wash the right side of the body from shoulder to foot, making sure the water reaches the skin.

Third Stage: Washing of the left side of the body from shoulder to foot with proper washing.

Ghusl Irtimasi (Immersion Bath):


Rinse away any impurities.

Make the niyyah.


Dip the entire body at once in the water.

The water should reach all portions of the body, including the hair and skin.

Mustahab Acts of Ghusl

Washing Hands:

The hands, up to the elbows, should be washed three times before Ghusl.


Gargle three times.

Body Wiping:

The hands should be drawn over the entire body so that a good wash may be ensured.

Combing Hair:

Comb the hair with fingers to allow the water to reach the roots.

Istibra (For Men):

Istibra means urinating before ghusl janabat. This is done so that if a liquid discharges after ghusl it would not be confused with semen. If istibra was performed and a liquid discharges after ghusl, it can be assumed to be urine and it only requires wudu to be performed. If istibra was not done, then the liquid is treated as semen and ghusl has to be repeated.

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FAQs: The Major Ablution (Ghusl Janabat)

What is Ghusl Janabat?

Ghusl Janabat is the major ablution in Islam by which a person cleanses his/her body from the ritual impurity, called janabah. This impurity is caused because of contacting sexual intercourse or the discharge of semen.

In what cases Ghusl Janabat becomes obligatory?

Loss of Semen: This may be through wet dreams, voluntarily, involuntarily, or through an awake state.

Sexual Intercourse: This holds good even in the event of no seminal discharge. The mere penetration, lawful or otherwise, necessitates ghusl.

What should one do if he is doubtful whether a discharge is semen?

In case of doubt whether or not the emitted substance was semen, the following signs may be checked for:

Emission with passion.

Spurting discharge.

Relaxation after ejaculation.
If these symptoms come collectively then it is the semen and hence ghusl will become necessary.

Is Ghusl Janabat necessary for women also?

Yes, ghusl janabat is necessary for women if they experience some sort of discharge along with the same requirements that apply to men that is sexual passion in the process followed by a feeling of relaxation. And also after sexual intercourse whether the discharge comes out or not.

What are the actions considered to be prohibited for a junub?

Touching Sacred Texts and Names: The junub is forbidden from touching the text of the Holy Qur’an, names and titles of Allah, the Prophet (S), the Imams, and Fatimah Zahra (A.S.).

Reciting Specific Verses: The junub cannot recite those verses of the Holy Qur’an that involve obligatory prostration or sajdah; namely all verses which constitute the text of Surah As-Sajdah (32:15), Surah Fussilat, 41:37, Surah An-Najm, 53:62, and Surah Al-‘Alaq, 96:19.

Entering or Remaining in the Mosques: It is forbidden to enter or remain in a mosque, or to pass by the Sacred Mosques such as Masjidu’l-Haraam in Mecca, Masjidu’n-Nabi in Medina, and the Shrines of the Imams, (A.S.).

Placing or Removing Something from a Mosque: To place something or to take something out from, or into the mosque.

What acts are disapproved (Makruh) for a junub?

Eating and drinking: It is disapproved except when performing Wudu or gargling, or rinsing the nose.

Reciting More Than Seven Verses: Disliked to recite more than seven verses from the Qur’an, except the specific verses mentioned above.

Touching the Cover of the Qur’an: Disliked for a junub.

Sleeping Without Wudu: Sleeping without performing wudu is disliked.

Which acts depend on Ghusl Janabat for validity?

Salat : Except salatu’l-mayyit, all forms of prayers require ghusl janabat.
Wajib Tawaf: The obligatory circumambulation of the Ka’bah during Hajj.

Fasting: If a junub knows he is junub at dawn, his Ramadan fasting is invalid.

How do we make Ghusl Janabat?

There are two ways: Ghusl Tartibi and Ghusl Irtimasi.

Ghusl Tartibi:
Preparation: Remove impurities and make the intention.


Wash head down to the neck.

Wash right side from shoulder down to the foot.

Wash the left side from shoulder down to the foot.

Ghusl Irtimasi:

Preparations: Remove the impurities and make the niyyat.

Immersion: The whole body must be fully submerged in water once, so that the water may reach all its parts.

What acts are recommended at the time of performing Ghusl Janabat?

A. Rinsing both hands as far as the elbow thrice.
B. Rinsing the mouth thrice
C. Passing the hands all over the body
D. Combing the hair with fingers so that the water reaches the roots.

For men, performing istibra’ (urinating) before ghusl so that there is no confusion between urine and semen.

This guide provides some overview of the requirements, proh ibitions, and methods related to Ghusl Janabat in Islam, helping to ensure the proper observance of this imporportant ritual purification.

FAQs: The Greater Purification (Ghusl Janabah)

What is Ghusl Janabah?

Ghusl Janabah is the greater purification that is done to purify oneself in Islam from a state of ritual impurity known as janabah. This state of impurity ensues in two situations whereby one loses his ablution: through sexual intercourse or through discharge of semen.

When is Ghusl Janabah Mandatory?

The Ghusl Janabah becomes mandatory in two situations:

Discharge of Semen: Whether it be through a wet dream, intentionally when awake, or unintentionally.

Sexual Intercourse: This holds even when semen is not discharged. The mere entry, lawful or unlawful, calls for ghusl.

What should a person do when he is in doubt about the discharge being semen?

When there is doubt whether or not a fluid is semen then the following indications may be looked for:

Discharge with passion.

This means that the discharge takes place with arousal.

Spurting discharge.

A feeling of relaxation after the discharge.
If these signs appear collectively, the discharge must be considered to be semen, and ghusl becomes compulsory.

Is Ghusl Janabat obligatory for women also?

Yes, ghusl janabat is obligatory for a woman if she has a discharge which has the aforementioned properties of being associated with sexual passion and relaxation afterwards. It is also necessary after sexual intercourse, irrespective of the discharge.

What acts are forbidden to a junub?

Touching Sacred Texts and Names: Touching the text of the Qur’an, names, and attributes of Allah, the Prophet (S), the Imams (A.S.), and Fatimah (S.A.).

Reciting Specific Verses: Reciting verses of the Qur’an that involve compulsory prostration from Sura As-Sajdah, 32:15; Sura Fussilat, 41:37; Sura An-Najm, 53:62; and Sura Al-‘Alaq, 96:19.

Entering or Remaining in the Mosques: To remain in a mosque or to pass through sacred mosques such as Masjidu’l-Haraam in Mecca, Masjidu’n-Nabi in Medina, and shrines of the Imams (A.S.).

Moving Things in the Mosque: To move things in or out from the mosque.

Which acts are disapproved for a junub?

Eating and Drinking: Disapproved except while making wudu or gargling or rinsing the nose.

Reciting More Than Seven Verses: One is discouraged from reciting more than seven verses from the Qur’an, except the particular verses mentioned above.
Touching the Cover of the Qur’an: It is discouraged to touch the cover of the Qur’an by a junub.
Sleeping Without Wudu: Sleeping without performing wudu is discouraged.
What acts are invalid without Ghusl Janabat?
Salat: All Salat except salatu’l-mayyit
Wajib Tawaf: All circumambulation while performing Hajj.

Fasting: A Junub intentionally remaining so until dawn renders the fasting of Ramadan batil.

How is Ghusl Janabat performed?

There are two ways of performing the Ghusl: Ghusl Tartibi and Ghusl Irtimasi.

Ghusl Tartibi:Sequential Bath

Preparation: Wash away the impurities and form the intention niyyat.


Wash the head down to the neck.
Wash the right side of the body from shoulder to foot.
Wash the left side of the body from shoulder to foot.
Ghusl Irtimasi:

Preparation: Clean impurities and make the intention (niyyat).

Immersion: The whole body is to be immersed in water at one time and the entire body should be covered by water.

What are the Mustahabb Acts pertaining to Ghusl Janabat?

To wash both of hands up to the elbows three times.

To gargle three times.

To rub the hands all over the body.

To comb the hair with fingers that the water should reach the roots of hair.

For men, it is important to urinate before performing ghusl to distinguish the urine from semen.

This guide provides details on requirements, prohibitions, and methods associated with Ghusl Janabat in Islam that help in ensuring the proper obs.ervance of this important ritual purification.

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