Pareshani Ki Dua in Quran in Hindi And English | 2024

Benefits of Dua When Facing Trouble or Difficulties (Musibat Aur Pareshani Ke Waqt Ki Dua)

Indeed, in Islam dua during a trouble or difficulty is officially recognized and encouraged. Turning to Allah for help, especially at the most difficult times, shows the strengthening bond between a creature and the Creator. Here are some benefits of reading dua when facing trouble or difficulties.

It is a way of reaching out to Allah and connecting with Him directly. Dua establishes a strong bond between the creature and the Creator, recognizing dependence upon the latter in times of distress.

Expression of Trust: Trust in Allah’s wisdom and mercy includes making dua in times of distress. It reflects the recognition of the believer in knowing that Allah is indeed the ultimate source of help and relief.

Relief from Distress: The turning to Allah in supplication serves to imply a relief against distress and difficulties. Believers believe that Allah can relieve their burdens and solve their problems.

Strengthening Faith: Dua during hard times reinforces one’s faith and dependence on Allah. It is a confirmation that, at the end of the day, Allah controls affairs, and believers seek His guidance and support.

Remembrance of Allah’s Attributes: Dua often involves invoking specific names and attributes of Allah, such as Ar-Rahman, the Most Merciful, and Al-Ghafur, the Forgiving. This inculcates in the believer a better understanding of Allah’s attributes.

Submission to Allah’s Will: In making dua, the believer is showing his subordination to the will of Allah. He is conscious of the fact that Allah knows best, and even if Allah’s response is other than what he had hoped for, He knows better.

Development of Patience: Dua is an avenue to seek patience and perseverance from Allah during times of crisis. They pray for patience to try and live with troubles with much gratitude.

Getting Guidance: Indeed, dua is not just relief but guidance from Allah. They ask Allah to guide them in dealing smartly with difficulties and in making decisions that must be to His pleasure.

Unity and Brotherhood: Furthermore, collective supplications bring believers closer to one another in time of distress and strengthen the bond of brotherhood and community when people are united for the sole purpose of seeking assistance from Allah. Believers come together to collectively beg for Allah’s assistance, which strengths the notion of a helpful brotherhood.

Gratitude: Most often, during hardship, dua is composed of words of thanks for unforgotten blessings. It helps believers shift their focus towards positive aspects of their lives and encourages thankfulness.

In summary, making dua during times of trouble or difficulties holds immense benefits, both spiritually and emotionally. It is a powerful act of worship that strengthens faith, fosters connection with Allah, and provides solace and hope during challenging moments.

 Pershania k Waqt ki Dua Hadees: 

Certainly, here is a rewording of the Dua Hadees for times of difficulty:


اللّهُـمَّ لا سَـهْلَ إِلاّ ما جَعَلـتَهُ سَهـلاً، وَأَنْتَ تَجْـعَلُ الْحَـزَنَ إِذا شِـئْتَ سَهـْلاً
Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altu sahla, wa’anta taj-alul hazna iza shiata sahla

[/quote][quote]اے اللہ کوئی آسانی نہیں سوائے اس کے جسے تو آسان کردے اور تو غم کو آسان کردے اگر تو چاہے
O Allah, there is no ease but that which You make easy, and You, when You wish, are capable of making every difficulty easy.
O Allah, but there is no ease of simplicity except that which You render simple. You can make difficulties easy if You so wish.
Musibat ki Dua in Arabic:

Seeking refuge from hardship or adversity is a common Arabic reference; it means “Dua Musibat”. Here is the short form:

اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن وأعوذ بك من العجز والكسل وأعوذ بك من الجبن والبخل وأعوذ bek من غلبة الدين وقهر الرجال

“O Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, from helplessness and laziness, from cowardice and stinginess, and from the overpowering of debt and the oppression of men.”

Hindi Translation

নিশ্চয় হুম আল্লাহ কি তরফ সে হেঁ অউর উসি কি তরফ হেমারা লৌটurreturn হ্য। এ আল্লাহ, मेरी विपदा में ईनाम दे और उसकी जगह कोई अच्छा विकल्प दे।
“Indeed, we are from Allah and to Him is our return. O Allah, grant me blessings in my difficulties and provide a better alternative in its place.”

English Tension Dua (Hard time):

During troubled times, one may look forward to comfort in duas. A prayer that one may offer from his heart during an English tension moment can be worded as below:

“O Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, in these moments of tension and hardship, I look up to You for Your guidance and comfort. You are the Source of strength and tranquillity. Make me patient to bear trials with meekness, grant me wisdom to see through the ins and outs of life, and make me resilient so I can emerge even stronger.”.

O Allah, relieve my heart of its constriction and replace it with ease. Make light my path with Thy light and give me patience against that which is inflicted. Indeed, Your mercy encompasses everything, so let Your mercy fall on me during this painful period.

I believe in Your will, and in Your infinite mercy, I find shelter. Give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change and the courage to change what is in my power. I cast my cares and concerns before You; truly You are the greatest reliever.

O Allah, make lighter my heart, sharpen my sight.d, and guide me towards solutions that align with Your will. I seek Your forgiveness for any shortcomings and place my trust in Your infinite mercy. Ameen.”

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