Aqeeqah ki dua/aqeeqah ka tariqa | 2024

Aqeeqah Ki Dua: The birth of a child brings ecstasy, moments of joy, and thanks in every family. This is the time to be united, to thank God, and to pray for the health and prosperity of the newborn. In Islam, the celebration is a beautiful tradition where an animal is sacrificed and special prayers are offered for the good health and well-being of the child, highlighting the occasion of Aqeeqah. Dua-e-Aqeeqah is a sort of holy prayer, and that holds much importance for the child and his family, being the essence of such a meaningful practice.

Aqeeqah is recommended in Islam, following the example from the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon Him. It also provides an avenue for showing generosity to the needy of the community through food distribution during this event and promotes love and harmony. The dua related includes a very special prayer during the Aqeeqah ceremony in which a parent expresses one’s hope for the child to be protected by Allah and be guided through life.

This dua comforts the parents and shoulders them with a very big responsibility, as this is a huge trust from Allah. In this article, we’ll take a look at how important Aqeeqah is in Islam and what the religious aspect is behind Aqeeqah Ki Dua.

what is aqiqah

Aqeeqah dua is the supplication or prayer which is generally said in one of the important Islamic traditions of Aqeeqah, in which there is a ritual sacrifice of an animal that is conducted at the birth of a child. The word “Aqeeqah” refers to the sacrifice itself, which falls on the seventh day following the birth of the child, sometimes even later.

In the performance of the Aqeeqah rite, there is a specific dua by parents or guardians in thanking Allah, seeking His blessings, and asking for the well-being and protection of the newborn. The dua is intimate and heartfelt, really, to invoke all that the parents aspire and hope for in the future of the child.

While the wording for the Aqeeqah dua may vary, the general idea of the prayer is one of praise to Allah for the child and requests guidance and protection for the child’s life from Him. This act represents submission before the will of Allah, knowing that all guidance and protection are from Allah ultimately.

Aqeeqah itself denotes a sacrifice of an animal, a sheep or goat, as a form of symbolic gesture wherein the good fortune or blessing should be shared with others around them. The meat of the sacrificed animal is distributed among family, friends, and those in need as reaffirmation in Islam of the values of generosity and communal sharing.

dua recitation

To put it in a nutshell, Aqeeqah is dua that is done in Aqeeqah, comprising in it praise, ways of asking for a good life, and a genuine prayer for guidance and protection of Allah to be bestowed upon the new child. This is one of the most important Sunnah in Islam and enhances spiritual and social elements relevant to the birth of the child.

The Arabic phrase that you provided is a supplication said during the Aqeeqah ceremony in Islam. Here goes its transliteration and translation of the dua.

“Bismillah, Allahumma taqabbal minni hadhihi al-aqeeqata bismika wa bimanika wa bikaramika. Allahumma rzuqni mithlaha mina al-dhabiha wa j’alha muannasan li fi al-jannah.”

“In the name of Allah, O Allah, accept this Aqeeqah from me, with Your name, Your bounty, and Your generosity. O Allah, provide me with its equivalent in sacrificed animals, and make it a source of comfort for me in Paradise.”

This dua shows appreciation to Allah for being able to sacrifice the Aqeeqah and seeks His acceptance and favor. In this prayer, it is also prayed that a child receives the same amount of reward as will be received by the animal being sacrificed on that particular day, and this becomes a means of comfort for him or her in Heaven.

aqiqah ki dua for girl

Aqeeqah Dua for Girls The Aqeeqah prayer is for the blessing and seeking Allah’s guidance on the newborn girl. In this dua, naming of the child and being thankful to Allah for the Aqeeqah sacrifice is emphasized. These supplications are said with the intention of following the tradition of the Messenger of Allah – pray upon him -, and asking from Allah for blessings upon the child. The transliteration and translation for this dua are as follows:

“Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim, Allahumma hadhihi ‘aqiqatun li (Ism-il-mawludah), faqad ja’at biha wa barakna laha fiha wa ‘alaiha, Bismillah, wa ‘ala millati Rasoolillah sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”
“In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. O Allah, this is an Aqeeqah for the name of the newborn girl; she has come with it, and we have blessed her in it and upon it, in the name of Allah, and according to the way of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him.”

Recite this dua in the Aqeeqah ceremony of the girl for seeking Allah’s favor and protection for the new child.

Aqeeqah ki Dua Ladka

The aqeeqah ki dua for the boy that is sacrificed in the Islamic way at birth is the same for both boys and girls. Here is the dua for Aqeeqah:

“Bismillahi, Allahumma inna hadha minka wa laka. Allahumma, taqabbal minni.”

“In the name of Allah, O Allah, this is from You and for You. O Allah, accept it from me.”

How to say this duaa at Aqeeqa for a boy, by being thankful to Allah Ta’ala and praying for the acceptance of the sacrifice which one had performed for Allah’s sake.

Aqeeqah ki Dua aur Tariqa

The Islamic Aqeeqah or celebration of a newborn baby by offering a sacrifice of an animal has prayers, as there are all other types of worship in Islam. Here is the dua and the basic steps to perform Aqeeqah.

The following is what they call the aqeeqah ki dua ahle hadees, which is supposed to be said while sacrificing:

“Bismillah, Allahu Akbar”

“In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest.”

This prayer means that this is offered to Allah and keeps him in the conscience that whatever sacrifice is being carried out, it is only for His sake. In this, the person is grateful and submits himself to the will of Allah.

Aqeeqah is a Sunnah act in Islam. During this performance, the saying of this dua itself forms part of the ceremony.

This guide will explain the duas for Aqeeqah, both for a baby boy and a baby girl, and provide some necessary information about this Sunnah act. Aqeeqah entails the sacrifice of an animal on the seventh day following the birth of the child. While it is an act of Sadqah, it can be performed as soon as possible after birth and may be delayed until any opportune time, providing it is completed prior to the child reaching puberty.

Distinguishing between the Aqeeqa of boys and girls, the Holy Prophet -Peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him- instructed to sacrifice two sheep -or goats- against one in the case of a girl. The animal which is to be sacrificed should be either male or female.

Aqeeqah carries the status of a Sadqah; it wards off misfortune and attracts blessings onto the new child. One can achieve all of those invaluable benefits and bounties of ALLAH through this Sunnah act.

Fact: Aqeeqah did exist in Arab traditions pre-Islam, but with differences in rules. In Islam, after slaughtering the animal, the head of the child is shaved and anointed with saffron, unlike the pre-Islamic era when they used to smear the child’s head with the blood of the sacrificed animal (Abu Dawood, 2843).

FAQ about Aqeeqah Ki Dua:

Q1: What is Aqeeqah Ki Dua?
Aqeeqah Ki Dua: It is a supplication one reads in an Aqeeqah, a custom in Islam where any time a child is born, one sacrifices an animal and invites guests to a feast in a certain number. It is a way to seek blessings from Allah for a newborn baby and attain the acceptability of sacrifice.

Q2: Can Aqeeqah Ki Dua be read in any language?
A: Yes, the Aqeeqah Ki Dua can be prayed in the language which one feels comfortable with. It is the honesty and devotion in the prayer that count-not the language.

Q3: Is Aqeeqah compulsory in Islam?
A: Aqeeqah is not compulsory in Islam; rather, it comes in the category of recommended (Sunnah) Islamic jurisprudence. It is regarded to be thankful for the endowment of a child and to ask for Allah’s protection and blessings.

In Islam, Aqeeqah Ki Dua is said during the Aqeeqah ceremony for thankfulness and dedication to Allah for the endowment of a child. Therefore, this sacred Dua is an integral part of the ritual which signifies the necessity of offering thanks and looking forward to the blessings from Allah. Aqeeqah Ki Dua, be it for the baby boy or for the baby girl, is a candid mode of faith and commitment to the religion of Islam.

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