Quran Para 17 | 2024

The 17th Para (Juz) of the Quran contains two chapters, namely Surah Al-Anbiya (Chapter 21) and Surah Al-Hajj (Chapter 22).

Surah Al-Anbiya translates as “The Prophets.” It is the 21st chapter, with 112 verses, and it belongs, like the previous one, to the revelations in Makkah. This Surah concerns the narratives of many prophets raised by Allah Himself to carry the divine message to humanity and is encased in the need for boosting the Day of Judgment and its importance. It brings out with the emphasis that Allah is all-powerful and all-wise in sending His prophets to guide humanity and urges humanity to reflect on the messages of His existence and on lessons from the tales of nations of yore.
Chapter 22 – Al Hajj – The Pilgrimage: This Surah is the 22nd Chapter of the holy Qur’an constituting 78 verses. It was revealed in Madinah. This Surah pertains to the rites and rituals of Hajj, the pilgrimage to Kaaba in Makkah, and emphasizes doctrines of pure monotheism and purity in worship and unity of the Ummah. Further, it deals with social and moral themes such as charity, justice, and the results of disbelief. The Surah concludes on a note that reminds the believer of final accountability before Allah and the surety of the coming of the Judgment Day.

Together, these chapters of the Quran provide guidance, wisdom, and reminders for the believers to further consolidate faith, righteousness, and responsibilities they owe to Allah and human beings.

17th Para or Juz in the Holy Quran covers two Surahs: Al-Anbiya Chapter 21 and Al-Hajj Chapter 22. They are two chapters with a wide range of themes: stories of the prophets, dealing with the inevitability of being called on the Day of Judgment, rites, and rituals of Hajj and various social and ethical issues.

Surah Al-Anbiya mostly discusses the stories of various prophets whom Allah sent for the guidance of their respective people. It has a lot of stress on the unity of God, the belief in the Hereafter, and the aftereffects of disbelief. The Surah calls one to reflect upon various signs of the existence and powers of Allah in the universe.

Surah Al-Isra’ discusses the various merits and rewards for different acts of worship, while Surah Al-Hajj is about the ceremonies and rituals of Hajj, emphasizing that pure worship is imperative and so is brotherhood among Muslims. It discusses many social and ethical issues related to charity, justice, and accountability before Allah. The Surah reminds believers of the importance of fulfilling their obligations and maintaining righteousness.

On the other hand, the 17th Para is advice coming for the believers who really should use the Para as a lampshade to enlighten their faith, righteousness, and responsibility toward Allah and society.

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