Can I Read Quran Online During My Period | 2024

Discusses are the diversified interpretations pertaining to the status of menstruating women touching or reading the Quran in Islam. Some scholars argue a menstruating woman has the right to touch and read the Quran, while others do not advise to due to the interpretation of some hadiths by them.

Those with a common argument related to not reciting the Quran in the menstrual cycle refer to a hadith where there is a prohibition of prayer and even touching of the Quran in case of major ritual impurity—that is, menstruation. However, again, this is open to interpretation, and different scholars may have different views on this issue, let alone the different schools of thought in Islam..

Wearing a Veil While Reading the Quran 

In fact, each individual can decide for themselves whether or not to read the Quran during menstruation and can follow whatever school of thought best fits their thinking and principles.

Wearing a veil or headscarf is not specifically instructed in Islam when reading the Quran, though modesty is highly regarded in Islam and therefore most women of this faith practice wearing a veil or covering their hair while they go about reading religious activities like reading the Quran as a respectful act of egress and dedication.

It should also be underlined that the degree of veiling or headscarfing is individually and culturally diversified within the Muslim community: some wear the veil permanently, while others only during the most necessary religious rituals and moments.

In the end, whether a veil is worn while reading the Quran or not rests on personal decision, as every person has his/her own beliefs, cultural norms, or ways of interpreting Islamic teachings.

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  1. Recite The Quran From a Tablet or Phone.

The other issue is reading the Holy Quran in a digital format, such as from a tablet or phone. The subject of reading the Quran digitally, according to the Islamic scholars, is an issue of debate. Various views and opinions are maintained by classical scholars regarding whether it is acceptable to read the Quran from an electronic device without ritual purity, for instance after menstruation or without ablution.

Some scholars believe that it is not considered to carry the actual Quran, as would be with an electronic device; therefore, the rules regarding ritual purity do not apply. They further explain that touching a Quran on a digital device is not considered to be the actual pages, as would be considered the sacred pages of the text.

Others, however, insist that whatever respect and reverence must be accorded the Quran should be observed whatever medium it may come in. They may recommend observing ritual purity or ablution before reading the Quran either from a physical copy or a digital device.

As is with the many issues in Islam, differing opinions exist to whom some opt to follow what other trusted scholars have to say while using their understanding of religious doctrine. The intention to read the Quran coupled with respect for its sanctity will thus guide a person.

  1. Read The Quran Through books containing explanations – Tafseer – Or Translation

This is regarded as a pious deed in Islam: to recite the Quran, its translation, or tafseer, to understand the meaning and teachings of the holy book. The Tafsir gives meaning to the contexts, explanation of the language, and interpretation used in the Quranic verses while translations enable those who do not understand Arabic to understand the message of the Quran in their mother tongue.

There is no specific prohibition on reading the Quran along with tafsir or translation. Indeed, this is encouraged for Muslims by many scholars as a way of seeking knowledge and deepening their understanding of the Quran. Comprehension of the text of the Quran and its implications shall help practice the religion in light of its dictates.

However, tafsir and translations should be approached cautiously, and one should take help from renowned scholars because the interpretation of any verse may differ from scholar to scholar. A Muslim is also advised to read tafsir and translations in a state of respect and poise, as if he is reading the actual text of the Holy Quran.

Generally speaking, it is more rewarding in Islam to read the Quran with tafseer or translation for better understanding and a more intimate relationship with whatever was said in the Quran.

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Can Women Read and Recite the Quran from Memory During The Menstrual Cycle?

Whether women, while in menstruation, can memorize and/or recite the Quran remains a moot question among Islamic scholars. One segment of them holds the view that there is no prohibition for reciting Quran from memory during menstruation because one may not actually come into contact with the Quranic text itself.

However, some claim that though there is no clear prohibition against reciting from memory when in menstruation, the proper way would be to not have extended Quranic recitation by women in this state, due to respect for the sanctity of the Quran and also a derivation from some ahadith concerning ritual purity.

Ultimately, it becomes left to personal interpretation and discretion. Women in menstruation can proceed with the recitation of the Holy Quran from their memory based on whatever understanding they develop regarding Islamic teachings and the guidance they have taken from the reliable scholars. As in most matters in Islam, intention and the desire to maintain reverence towards the Quran shall guide the course of actions.

Can Women learn the Holy Quran During The Menstrual period?

One issue that has long been debated among Muslim scholars is the permissibility of women learning the Quran while in a state of menstruation. Although the Quran and hadith do not clearly prohibit such at those times, opinions vary among scholars.

Some scholars, on the other hand, propose that learning the Quran while a woman is in her periods does not harm her, provided she respects the book and follows the rules. They emphasize that an attempt to seek knowledge of the Quran can be a very commendable act at any hour and should not be curtailed based on menstrual cycles alone.

On the other hand, some scholars may recommend that women avoid direct contact with the Quran, including learning or reciting it, during menstruation out of respect for its sanctity and based on interpretations of certain hadiths.

It is, however left to personal decision or opinion depending on interpretation of Islamic teachings and guidance received from scholars. Like all practices of religion, individuals are to seek knowledge and opinions, consult different scholars and then exercise what suits or fulfills their understanding of Islam and their beliefs.

Can Women Recite The Holy Qur’an During The Menstrual Cycle?

Opinions are divided, and some scholars say it is religiously okay for women to recite the Quran from memory even in their menstruation days, while others are not in favor and advise avoiding this as a respectful act towards the holy book.

A. Woman Should Not read Quran in Periods:

For all practical purposes, the belief that women are prohibited from reciting Quran during their menstrual cycle is based upon some hadiths and the scholarly opinions drawn from them within some strands of Islamic tradition; most often, it lays importance on keeping the body clean and the text of the Quran respectful.

Some scholars base their argument on the fact that women on menstruation are majorly impure under the Sharia and should, therefore, avoid reading the Quran and touching its physical pages. All come out from the general principle of maintaining purity and class in religiously oriented practices under Islam.

However, with this view, not all scholars of Islam seem to agree, as some think otherwise. Some scholars argue that it is all right for the menstruating woman to recite the Quran from memory, on condition that she does not touch the Quran. They stress that the sincerity of the intention has to be coupled with respect for the Quran and maintained irrespective of one’s status in regard to menstruation.

Ultimately, permission for this practice will fall under interpretation within Islamic jurisprudence, where adherents may be able to act on the guidelines put forth by scholars they trust or their codified understanding of the religious teachings.

B. Permission for Women to Recite the Quran During their Period

Actually, some scholars take up this view within the Islamic tradition. They argue, in addition, that there are no direct prohibitions in the Quran, neither is any hadith considered authentic, which prohibits women from reciting the Quran while on menstruation. Therefore, as long as they keep being respectful to the Quran text and behave well in etiquette concerning the act of recitation-such as having the intention of worship along with the recitation and keeping off from touching the scripture-they are able to perform the activity of recitation during menstruation. It is this interpretation that has emphasized wider principles of inclusion and access to religious practices by women in Islam.

Can Women or Girls Touch the Quran During Menstruation?

The question of whether women and girls in periods can touch the Quran is unanimous among the Islamic jurists. Some of the jurists believe that during this state a woman must not touch the Quran because some of the commentaries and contents of some hadiths from the Prophet Muhammad provide the general rule concerning keeping oneself pure.

On the other hand, some others argue that there is no straightforward aya or tradition of the hadith which has explicitly imposed this prohibition on women’s physical contact with the Holy Quran during menstruation. They believe that as long as that woman’s attitude toward the Quran is one out of respect and maintained etiquette duly, she could physically touch the Quran even during her menstruation.

Ultimately, permitting women to touch the Quran during menstruation time is only an inference drawn within Islamic jurisprudence. There may be a difference of opinion among the various schools of thought and scholars. Individuals have their options: either they would act upon the guidance given by the scholars they believe in or use their own understanding of the religious injunctions.

Can Women During Menses listen to the Holy Quran?

Women hearing the Holy Quran while in menstrual status may not be forbidden, but the issue is also debated among the Islamic scholars.

This implies that some view it that the Quran nowhere prohibits such an act, that is, women listening to the Quran during menstrual cycles. So long as reading the Quran alongside it is devotion and remembrance of Allah, and so long as the woman listens with an attitude of respect and concern for the ayahs, the Quran might be permissible during the time of menstrual period.

On the other hand, some scholars advise women to avoid listening to the Quran during menstruation for cautionary reasons and out of respect for the sanctity of the Quranic verses. This is an opinion based on the explanation of certain hadiths and also on the general principle of keeping up ritual purity.

Ultimately, whether or not women are allowed to listen to the Quran during menstruation is at each one’s discretion according to Islamic teachings and scholarly opinion. Just like any religious observance, one must seek out knowledge, weigh options of different opinions, and proceed accordingly in a manner that is consistent with how they understand Islam and one’s religion.


Yes, of course. Some of the frequently asked questions concerning women and menstruation in Islam will be listed below.

Is it allowed to read the Quran while on menstruation?

Scholars differ in their opinions. Some are of the view that one is allowed to read from memory without touching the Quran. Others suggest that women do not recite the Quran as a means of respect to it.

People have different views on it, where some scholars mention that one should not touch the holy Quran with their body, but others mentioned that it does not come in prohibition as long as respect is there.

Are women allowed to join religious meetings, or should they even pray during their menstruation cycle?

Women are excused from ritual prayers during menstruation but may attend religious meetings and sermons, listening and joining in other acts of worship.

Can a woman in her periods fast?

A menstruating woman is not supposed to keep fasts. She can make up the fasts later if possible, or other acts of worship can be performed by her.

Is there anything special a woman should avoid during her menstrual cycle?

Even though there are no hard and fast restrictions, it is usually suggested to avoid any acts of worship, such as praying and touching the Quran.

These FAQs address common questions, but interpretations may vary among scholars and within different Islamic schools of thought. It’s essential for individuals to seek guidance from knowledgeable sources and follow the practices that align with their beliefs and convictions.

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