Islamic Quotes For Girls | 2024

Islamic Girl Quotes: Meaning and Importance
“And whoever fears Allah – He will make for him a way out.” Q 65:2-3
The verse is a counseling for a life of righteousness and trusting in Allah. For the girl child, it gives the assurance that, with faith and fear of Allah, challenges have a divine solution. It reminds one of Allah’s ever-present support and guidance to those remaining steadfast in faith.

“Modesty is part of faith.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

This hadith identifies modesty as something important in Islam, though not necessarily dressing but also acting and attitude. This will remind the girls that part of their faith is modesty, so they have to maintain dignity and respect in their deeds and how they dress.

  1. “Your beauty is in your hijab.”

The hijab symbolizes modesty, privacy, and morality. The following quote is enunciating that real beauty is in one’s dedication and commitment to faith and values. It encourages girls to uphold their identity and be proud of the decision to don the hijab as an expression of their beliefs.

  1. “The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Character and fine conduct are very essential in Islam. This hadith keeps reminding the girls that a girl’s worth is gauged by her good conduct and how she treats others. It encourages all to have such virtues like kindness, respectability, and good ethics as an exemplary Muslim.

  1. “Indeed, with hardship comes ease.” (Quran 94:6)

The verse is full of hope and resiliency, reassuring the young girls that it will not last, as the difficulty is always followed by ease. This forms a strong message of survival—that one has to be patient and trust in Allah’s plan during troubled times.

Deep Dive into Each Quote

Faith and Trust in Allah – Quran 65:2-3

The message that can be derived from this verse is to have trust in Allah’s wisdom and mercy. It asks girls to fall back upon their faith in times of uncertainty. ‘Trust in Allah’ means rigorously believing that all happenings, be they good or bad, are part of some bigger divine plan. This thought enables a girl to be resilient and peaceful, with the knowledge that Allah will always guide and provide the solution for any problem.

Modesty as a Central Value: Hadith

The concept of modesty in Islam relates not only to one’s body but also to his or her character, speech, and behavior. Therefore, for young girls, this hadith implicitly conveys that modesty is not simply a paradigm of dress sense; it is a way of life which signifies their faith—humility and self-respect toward all in a manner of creating a community respectful and peaceful where the true beauty and virtue manifest in one’s modest behavior and conduct.

Beautification and Identity in Hijab

The hijab signifies much more than a piece of cloth. It’s a woman’s commitment, promise to her faith to live modestly. This quote is, hence, empowering girls to look upon the hijab as a source of strength and identity. This quote challenges societal beauty standards where it places value on inner qualities and spiritual commitment over physical appearance.

Manners and Character (Hadith)

Some of the great pillars in a righteous Muslim’s life are good manners and character. The Hadith teaches girls that their interaction and behavior toward others is part of the faith. It teaches virtues in girls, like kindness, honesty, and integrity—some of the hallmarks of a person’s worth in Islam. This stresses the building of a tenderhearted and just society.

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Hope and Resilience — Quran 94:6

Tesan and trials are part of life, for only through them a person’s faith and resolve are truly tested. The type of verse that soothes souls of young girls by letting them know their sufferings will not last forever, and that relief and ease are guaranteed from Allah. Granteeing them, thus a feeling of positiveness, strengthening them to always remain steadfast and patient and making them believe more on the principle that after every hardship there is certainly ease.

International Women’s Day: Celebrating Women—An Islamic Perspective.

Today, as the world marks International Women’s Day, we have to reckon with the many tremendous ways women contribute to society as mothers, caregivers, professionals, teachers, and community leaders—all undervalued. Contrary to the common, misguided view of Islam, women are highly regarded, and their multifaceted contributions acknowledged by Islam. Here are seven Islamic quotes that assert women’s rights:

“Their Lord accepted his prayer and said: ‘I do not let go waste the work of any worker among you, male or female – you are one from another’.” (Quran 3:195)

“Paradise is at the feet of mothers.”- Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“And for them, similar is due from them as those on whom is the blame then they get them with mutual agreement and the permission of the families; similar is due from them on the same.” (Quran 2:228)

“And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.” (Quran 4:124)

“And their Lord has accepted of them, and answered them: ‘Never will I suffer to be lost the work of any of you, be he male or female: You are members, one of another.'”(Quran 3:195)

“Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.” — Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily to them will We give a new life-a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions.” —Quran 16:97

On this International Women’s Day, we are for an empowered woman who can realize her potential and well-being. Only because of our donors, at Muslim Hands, are we able to offer to women, men, and children—especially the most vulnerable—a ray of hope and the possibility for a better tomorrow.

You can also donate to our Motherkind and Livelihood projects, helping women reach their full potential.


These Islamic quotes provide deep lessons and encouragement to the girl child towards a life of faith, modesty, good character, and resilience. They are guiding principles towards reminding the girl of her beliefs and that she has an upper hand support in Allah. If internalized, they might contribute to a fulfilling, dignified life in concurrence with the faith.

FAQs about Islamic Quotes for Girls

Q: What are some empowering Islamic quotes for girls?
A: Islamic teachings emphasize equality, respect, and the worth of women. Some empowering quotes include:

“I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female– you are equal to one another.” Quran 3:195

“Heaven lies beneath the feet of mothers.” – Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Q: What does Islam say about the role of women?
Q: What are women’s rights according to Islam?
A: Women in multiple roles—the mothers, nurturers, professionals, educators—are treated with respect and regarded as coequals of men in terms of rights and responsibility in the family and society.

Q: What does the Quran say about women’s rights?
A: The Quran clearly stated equality between men and women, where they have equal reward for righteous deeds, and mutual rights and responsibilities:

“And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women.” (Quran 2:228)

“And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, and is a believer, those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed.” (Quran 4:124)

Q: What are some ways that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has given importance to women?
A: Prophet Muhammad stressed respect and courtesy towards women; he especially underlined their highly significant place in society:

“Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers.”

Q: What is the inspiration that one gets from the quotations towards the young Muslim girls?
A. These quotes can boost the morale of young Muslim girls by giving them self-esteem, motivating them toward their aim, and reminding them of the respect and rights they have been granted in Islam. They highlight the importance of education, kindness, and mutual respect. in all aspects of life.

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