Ayatul Kursi in Hindi And English | 2024

Ayatul Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255): Ayatul Kursi is one of the most famous Quranic verses; it can be found in the Surah Al Baqarah. This is one of the most sought-after verses of the Quran for protection and blessings. Here goes its introduction in Hindi and English.


Ayatul Kursi, found in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:255) of the Quran, is a well-known verse. It is often recited for protection and blessings.

Ayatul Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255):

اللہ لا إله إلا ہوالحی القیوم۔ لا تأخذہ سنۃ و لا نوم۔ لہ ما فی السماوات و ما فی الارض۔ من ذا الذی یشفع عندہ إلا بإذن۔ یعلم ما بین أیدیہم و ما خلفہم۔ و لا یحیطون بشئ من علمہ إلا بما شاء۔ وسع کرسیہ السماوات و الارض۔ و لا یؤھۡدھو ھف الحفظ العلیم۔

“Allah! There is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. Neither drowsiness overtake Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.”

Ayatul Kursi in Hindi

“Ayatul Kursi” is an important and major ayat of Quran-e-Pak, which comes under 255 Ayat of Sura Al-Bakara (Sura Bakaraat). The recitation of this Ayat is of prime importance to the Muslims, and the belief, implication, and meaning of it are very crucial to comprehend.

आयतुल कुर्सी का मतलब

“आयतुल कुर्सी” का अर्थ है “कुर्सी की आयत”। यह आयत एक गहरा तात्पर्य और आध्यात्मिक भूमिका रखती है और इसमें खुदा की महानता, ज्ञान, और शक्ति का परिचय होता है। यह आयत खुदा की बेहद अद्वितीयता को प्रकट करती है और इसके अलावा किसी भी देवता, जानवर, या इंसान की तरह कुर्सी के सामने जाने की क्षमता नहीं होती।

आयतुल कुर्सी का महत्व (Significance of Ayatul Kursi in Hindi)

तौहीन और सजा की रक्षा: आयतुल कुर्सी में खुदा की सर्वशक्ति, ज्ञान, और अधिकार की महत्वपूर्ण प्रतिष्ठा का वर्णन है और यह भी दिखाया गया है कि उसके सिवा किसी और की आबरू की आदर्श सुरक्षा नहीं है। इसके साथ ही यह बताता है कि खुदा तौहीन और सजा की सामर्थ्या से परे है और उसकी इजाज़त के बिना कोई भी कुछ नहीं कर सकता।

आयतुल कुर्सी का प्रयोग: मुसलमान आयतुल कुर्सी का विशेष महत्व देते हैं और इसे रोज़ाना पढ़ते हैं, खासकर रात के समय। इसका पाठ करने से उनके मानसिक शांति, सुरक्षा और सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का अनुभव होता है।

सुरक्षा के लिए: आयतुल कुर्सी को पढ़ने से लोग अपने घर और परिवार को आला सुरक्षा में महसूस करते हैं। यह कुरान की अल्लाह की हिफ़ाज़त और सुरक्षा के रूप में जाना जाता है।

आयतुल कुर्सी का स्पिरिचुअल महत्व: यह आयत मानव जीवन में आत्मा के साथ गहरा संबंध बनाने में मदद करती है और धार्मिक दृष्टिकोण से महत्वपूर्ण होती है। यह उपासना का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा भी है जो आत्मा के उन्नति में मदद


यहाँ आपके लिए “आयतुल कुर्सी” का हिंदी अनुवाद दिया जा रहा है:

“अल्लाह! उस के सिवा कोई मअबूद नहीं है, वह जीवन दाता, स्थायी और दृढ़ है। उसे नींद या सुना नहीं आता। उसकी है वो सब कुछ जो आसमानों में है और जो आर्द्र में है। उसके इजाजत के बिना कोई उसके सामने शिफारिश कर सकता है उसे पता है जो उनके सामने है और जो उनके पीछे है, और उनके ज्ञान का उनके सामने और पीछे कुछ भी नहीं है, बल्कि वो जानता है जो वो चाहता है। उसका कुर्सी आसमानों और धरती को आवरण करता है, और उनकी हिफ़ाजत उनके लिए कोई कठिनाई नहीं है। वही सबसे ऊँचा, सबसे महान है।”

**Ayatul Kursi in English (Translation

“Allah! There is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.”

This translation relays the essence of Ayatul Kursi, emphasizing the oneness of Allah, His eternal existence, His knowledge, and His sovereignty over the heavens and the earth. It further brings out the point that no one can intercede with Allah except by His permission, and His knowledge encompasses everything.

Explanation of Ayatul Kursi in English

Ayatul Kursi is one of the deepest and most respected verses of the Quran. The essence of it has overcome the barriers of languages and has linked Muslims from all over the world with the Richie Rich of Islam. The explanation of this verse along with its translation in the English language is being carried out as follows.

Meaning of Ayatul Kursi

The term “Ayatul Kursi” is an Arabic word which literally translates to “The Verse of the Throne”. This verse is from Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2), Verse 255 of the Quran and has been used to instill the attributes of Allah, the Islamic notion of monotheism, and the greatness of the Creator upon one’s mind.

Importance of Ayatul Kursi

Monotheism: Ayatul Kursi emphasizes belief in Tawhid, or the oneness of Allah. It confirms that nothing is to be worshipped but Allah, and it heralds the utmost monotheism which forms the basis of Islam.

The attributes of Allah This verse depicts Allah as Ever-Living and the Sustainer of life. It gives the comprehension that Allah is eternal, and without rest or sleep, He is the ultimate source of life and sustenance for all created things.

Supreme Knowledge: Ayatul Kursi informs one about Allah’s all-covering knowledge: “He knows that which is in the heavens and on the earth, whatever you may conceal and whatever you reveal; Allah knows the contents of the hearts.”.

Intercession by Permission: It says, “And no person has the right to intercede with Him except by His permission.” It leads back to the idea that no one can advocate on the behalf of others without Allah’s permission, and this underpins the very fabric of His supreme authority and justice.

Protection and Safety: The Muslims recite Ayatul Kursi for protection and safety. This verse is believed to act as a shield against negative influences and is considered to be recited for spiritual and physical well-being.

Spiritual Connection: Ayatul Kursi strengthens the spiritual connection between individuals and Allah. The recitation of this verse on a regular basis instills feelings of closeness to the Creator and deepens faith.

Practical Application

Daily Recitation: Many Muslims practice the recitation of Ayatul Kursi as part of their daily routines; many often recite it right after their obligatory prayers. It reminds them of Allah’s presence and protection in their lives.

Protection and Blessings: Ayatul Kursi is recited before sleep, as it is believed to offer protection through the night and bring blessings from Allah. Similarly, it is said every time a person enters his house for protection against any bad energy.

Indeed, during hardship and when times are hard, Muslims seek refuge in Ayatul Kursi. It was something one could lean on for comfort and to seek refuge from Allah for guidance and assistance.

Conclusion: Ayatul Kursi indeed is a very rich and highly regarded verse in the Holy Quran, which plays a vital role and significance in the life of a Muslim. Its message on monotheism, Allah’s attributes, and His supreme knowledge provides guidance, protection, and spiritual nourishment to believers.


Indeed, the following are eight of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) that relate to Ayatul Kursi:

What is Ayatul Kursi?

Ayatul Kursi is the 255th verse of Surah Al Baqarah in the Quran, and that is one of the most important and prestigious verses in Islam, for that gives a profound description of the attributes and power of Allah.

Why is Ayatul Kursi so important?

Ayatul Kursi encompasses basic concepts of monotheism, the attributes of Allah, knowledge, and sovereignty. The recital of this verse is said to possess a great blessing and protection.

What does “Kursi” mean in Ayatul Kursi?

“Kursi” in Ayatul Kursi is a metaphor for Allah’s dominion, authority, and control over the heavens and the earth. It represents His glorious sovereignty.

Does Ayatul Kursi save from harm?

There are a lot of Muslims who believe that the recitation of Ayatul Kursi brings spiritual protection and blessings. Recitation of it has often been suggested to get Allah’s protection against negative influences.

Is Ayatul Kursi recited on occasions?

Yes, Ayatul Kursi is recited at varied times, such as before retiring to bed, when entering one’s house, and if some fear or distress besets one. In fact, it is usually recited after daily prayers.

Can a non-Muslim recite Ayatul Kursi?

Though the non-Muslims can read Ayatul Kursi, the depth in significance religiously is connected with Islamic beliefs. Many non-Muslims choose to respect its sanctity when learning what it means.

Are there any benefits associated with memorizing Ayatul Kursi?

The memorization of Ayatul Kursi does not only confer the blessings associated with its recitation but also provides an opportunity for Muslims to reflect upon its meanings regularly to draw closer to Allah.

My questions are, is there any specific reward that one gets by reciting Ayatul Kursi?

While the rewards are not quantified in specific terms, various ahadith describe the benefits of its recite and include among them protection by the angels, forgiveness of sins, and the rise in status in the Hereafter.

One should consider that the interpretations and practices pertaining to Ayatul Kursi may vary greatly between individuals and Islamic traditions.

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