Rizak Ki Dua | 2024

Tarika of Seeking Dua: The command of Allah is to strive for livelihood-just like the compulsory actions in life. In life, there is a struggle between doubt and certainty. Hence, hasten towards good deeds and beware of the sudden attack of death; indeed, the return of age is not easy to get. Strongness in Salah and act upon Islamic laws and regulations add to an increase in Rizk.

Certainly, it is obvious that uncertainty prevails and assurance has been disrupted. It seems as if what is promised to you has become obligatory, and what was ordained for you has been taken away. So set about virtuous acts and beware of the sudden attack of death, for livelihood is manifest unlike the restoration of age, which is in uncertainty. So seize its opportunities now for goodness. The livelihood opportunities that were missed today can be hoped for and increased tomorrow, but what was lost in age yesterday cannot be regained today.

Improve Your Dua for Rizq

Sincerity: One should make the supplication with much sincerity, knowing that Allah is indeed capable of providing. One must have faith that He will answer one’s prayer, and He knows the best.

Repentance: Repent from all those sins or mistakes that could become barriers to the acceptance of your dua. Repentance and mending our ways cleanse the heart, and thereby, our supplications are more likely to be accepted.

Consistency and Patience: Make rizq dua regularly during affluence and hardship; Allah loves constancy in supplication and grants such people these prayers as a reward.

Gratitude: Grateful for what you already possess, whatever the amount may be. Whatever Rizq comes your way, be grateful for it. Gratitude invites more and creates avenues for more provision to come your way.


The Hadeeth of Prophet Dawud represents the epitome of self-sufficiency. It had been told that he used only to consume what his earnings from manual work would bring him and forbade himself to take anything else out of dignity and virtue.

In the search for livelihood, Islam has given the believers duas to recite for Allah’s blessings and guidance. Let it be a means to implore Allah to bless with a halal earning and maintain the right balance in earning and possessing wealth.

Anticipation is confined to the future whereas the past brings only regret. Hence, “fear Allah as He ought to be feared and do not die until you are (true) Muslim” (Qur’an 3:102).

To further improve sustenance, follow the performance of all Salat in due time, and observe the divine laws available at www.Islamic-laws.com.

Performing Tasbih of Fatima Zehra (sa) which was taught by Prophet Muhammad (saw) to his daughter is also an effective prayer. Reciting it for livelihood, leaving the house, starting a business, or commencing work, saying “Allah o Akbar” 34 times, “Alhumdolillah” 33 times, and “Subhanallah” 33 times. Imam Ja’far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (as) has said that regular recitation after the morning prayer up to sunrise brings more benefit in livelihood than a month of business. Reference: Makarimul Akhhaq,

Take refuge with the wasila of Lady Khadija (sa) regarding issues related to sustenance, for it was through her wealth that the Prophet -saws- had prospered.

Follow the Sunnah of Salam upon entry to the house, and recite the Surah Tawheed within houses, as this has been advised by the Messenger of Allah -s.a.w.s- in Hadeeth for the removal of poverty and straitened circumstances of livelihood.

Recite Tasbih of Fatima Zehra (sa) after every prayer: “Allah o Akbar” 34 times, “Alhumdolillah” 33 times, and “Subhanallah” 33 times, to sustain the livelihood.

Once, Imam Ja’far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (as) pointed out that in order to achieve the goal of receiving subsistence, certain words immediately after the prayer in the morning would be quite useful.

Recite special verses like “لاَ اِلٰهَ اِلاَّ اللهُ الْمَلِكُ الْحَقُّ الْمُبِيْنُ” and istighfar; recite verses 65:2-3 for increase in sustenance and resolution of important affairs.

Recite the following five sentences routinely as a Dua from Lady Fatima (sa) for well-being, goodness, and strength of Allah.

In summary, these practices and supplications aim to plead for the blessings of Allah and His intervention by different means: being grateful, trusting Allah, and holding on to righteous good deeds as a means of sustenance and provision.
Building a healthy relationship with money in Islam involves bringing into focus three major areas related to money: how it comes into your hands, the attitude you have about and towards it, and how it is used.

  1. How You Obtained It:
    Islam does not discourage earning, but the means by which it should come in have to be according to halal. Buying and selling should be based upon the principles of justice and fairness. The Quran warns against cheating for small gains out of fear of accountability in the Hereafter. Hadiths also stress honesty and generosity in transactions.
  2. How You Feel About Money:
    It has been made amply clear that the love for worldly wealth is not to be more than love for faith. The excessive love of wealth having enjoyment in it, itself is termed as haram. The Quran warns against being deceived by worldly riches and forgetting that all success is given by Allah Himself. Arrogance on account of wealth is not encouraged; instead humility is advised.
  3. How You Spend Your Wealth:
    The financial success of a person is tested by the way in which he decides to use the wealth. Giving zakat is a meritorious action. The Prophet encourages giving to the less fortunate because if you take care of those who are entrusted to you, then your reward in heaven is much greater. Significantly, generosity is not confined to only financial capability, even a smile or minor acts of consideration are regarded as charity.

Importance of Self-Reliance:
The Quran emphasizes responsibility and self-improvement. The very notion that Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change themselves speaks to personal growth. Hard-earned earnings are considered praiseworthy, while standing on one’s own two feet is encouraged. Many ahadith focus on the respect and satisfaction that emanate from earning due to one’s effort.

Drawing it all together, the Islamic way of maintaining a balanced and healthy relationship with money is through its earning in halal methods, dwelling upon the traits of humility and thanking Allah, and spending the money upon one’s person, as much on others. This sense of self-sufficiency and ethic of work is encouraged, knowing full well that change starts from within.


In short, the balanced and holistic view which Islam explains the concept of wealth would be the realization that it is important to be independent and work hard and treat every situation in which such skills are needed in a just and decent manner. to financial matters, and incorporating prayers for sustenance into one’s daily life. This comprehensive approach fosters a balanced and responsible attitude towards money in accordance with Islamic principles.

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