Quran Pak Ki Tilawat | 2024

The Virtues and Importance of Reciting the Holy Quran – Writing No. 873″

Allah guides in the Noble Quran that Ramadan is that month in which the Quran was revealed. That is the importance of the month of Ramadan: it is during this blessed month that the glorious book containing eminence was sent down. Ramadan, even without the revelation of the Quran, was already a month of great importance.

And in the blessed month of Ramadan, he would descend from Sidrat al-Muntaha to the Earth and present the recitation of the Holy Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. Indeed, the greatness and virtues need not be mentioned any more since the Quran is the “Word of Allah” and has no equal in status as compared to all other speech.

The scholars, may Allah have mercy on them, have reached a consensus that the Quran encompasses knowledge mentioned in the heavenly books and scrolls. These sciences relevant until the Day of Judgement have been compiled within the Quran, and with the passage of time, they will unfold bit by bit.

Imam Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, had said so eloquently, “While the Quran comprehends all knowledge, yet our intellects are incapable to fully understand it. The sciences and practical wisdom contained in the Quran are only illuminated in the light of the purposes and teachings revealed by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.”

And most definitely, the current Quran, with exact words and meanings, is among us. There is no difference between the accented or unaccented Quran; it will remain intact until the Day of Judgment because the One who revealed it took the responsibility of its protection.

Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: “Whoever intends to speak with his Lord with supplication should recite the Quran.” In addition, if the Quran is recited in a house, the angels enter it and the devils run away, and the house becomes wide and spacious for its dwellers, and goodness and blessing are in abundance, evil and corruption become less.

The Quran’s recitation was said to attract angels in descent to listen to it, whether one did the recitation loudly or silently. The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to say that there are some people who are specially unique, and when questioned as to who these people were, he replied, “The people of the Quran.”

It has been related from Abdullah bin Umar, radiallahu anh, that when the hearts are touched by sins, it is as if rust touched the metal. They asked for the remedy, and he mentioned two things from the Prophet : to remember death abundantly and to recite the Quran frequently.

Similarly, Abdullah bin Umar narrated that the doors of heavens are opened for the acceptance of prayers five times: in the recitation of the Holy Quran, in the congregation of Muslims who are to go to battle, in the rain, when an oppressed person prays, and during the call to prayer.

Thus, the recitation and frequent contemplation bring immense blessings and benefit, and it is called for to engage with the Quran in various aspects of life.
O Lord, make every difficulty easy by reciting the Quran.

The profound saying “Quran recitation makes every difficulty easy” simply captures the magical change in engaging oneself with the holy scripture during life’s hardships. This is more than a religious ritual; reciting the Quran comforts, leads, and empowers beyond cultural and linguistic barriers.

The Quran, on a deeper level, is a repository of wisdom and guidance from heaven-an immortal guide on how to live life. As one listens to the elocution of its ‘ayat, there occurs an attachment that develops a personal link between a person and the divine. The natural rhythm, or cadence, of the Arabic coupled with the profound meanings contained in these ayahs evoke a meditative-like state, taking both body and soul well beyond this world to some higher plane of existence.

The Quran acts like an anchor at times of crisis. The soothing sound of the verses reverberates with reassurance that the troubled times are a passing phase, guided by a superpower. The recitation then serves as refuge and a place of sanctuary where one finds solace and strength to face adversity with resilience.

Apart from this, the Quran gives practical advice on decision-making and ethical behavior. Its verses give a moral lead as one goes about making choices in life to side with righteousness. The wisdom of the Quranic teachings becomes a lighthouse to man as he threads his way through life’s complexities.

At the same time, Quran recitation brings in its transformative power psychologically and emotionally. The healing power of the verses soothes stress and offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere. It is rhythmic in nature, also called Tajweed, enriching the therapeutic quality of the experience and heightening the interconnection between the reciter and the scripture.

Qira’at (Rules of Recitation of the Holy Quran).

In the Islamic practice of reciting the Quran Shareef, there is tremendous importance attached to the Ahkam, or rules, which have given direction to believers regarding how to be with the holy scripture. Now, during Quran recitation, there are a few important things that must be kept in mind.

Firstly, ablution should be done before one touches the Quran or starts reciting from it for cleanliness and respect of this sacred book. One is encouraged to face toward the qiblah during the recitation for some sort of spiritual connection with the holiest site in Islam.

Reciters are encouraged to start every recitation by seeking refuge in Allah from Satan. This is done by saying “A’udhu Billahi Minash-Shaitanir-Rajeem” so that one is not under the influence of negativity while saying the words. Care should be taken of the tone and pronunciation, which is termed Tajweed-to preserve proper articulation of each letter and verse lest a mistake should occur or any disrespect to the linguistic beauty of the Quran should occur.

Moreover, in the case of recitation, it is better to consider the meanings of these verses for further understanding and closer attachment to the divine message. The reciter should remember to recite with modesty, gratitude, and in a state of awe at the sanctity of the words that flow from his lips.

That he has to recite with sincerity and adab because he knows that his recitation is worship and is one of the means of drawing near to Allah. These Ahkam will not just deal with the technicalities, but more importantly, make it spiritual and reverential; thus, complete a good, meaningful experience for the believer.

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