Arsh Meaning in Quran | 2024

Arsh is an Arabic name, and most of the Islamic culture, including the Urdu-speaking population, has its meaning and history. In Urdu, عرش is considered more of a masculine name; however, in recent times this name is also used as a feminine name.

The word “عرش” itself has often been explained as meaning “throne” or “dominion,” deriving from Arabic. It is an important word for Islamic theology, referring to the throne of Allah, or God, described in Islamic scriptures, especially the Quran..

عرش is an Urdu name for girls, which signifies a beautiful-sounding name connected to spirituality and divine concepts. Names bear different meanings and different interpretations; some names have personal or cultural reasons for being named by the parents.

Yes, here is a table of explanation of the name “عرش” (Arsh) for girls in Urdu, which includes lucky numbers, lucky stones, and additional points.:

AttributeUrdu Meaning of “عرش” (Arsh) for GirlsLucky NumberLucky StoneAdditional Points
Meaningعرش کا مطلب: تخت یا حکومت (Arsh ka matlab: Takht ya Hukumat)
Lucky Number77
Lucky Stoneپخراج (Pukhraj)پخراج (Pukhraj)
Divine Connection“عرش” (Arsh) کا معنی: اللہ کے تخت پر بیٹھنے کا مقام (Meaning of “عرش” (Arsh): Allah ke takht par baithne ka maqam)
Strength“عرش” (Arsh) کا معنی: قدرت والا (Meaning of “عرش” (Arsh): Qudrat wala)
Majesty“عرش” (Arsh) کا مطلب: عظمت یا بڑائی (Meaning of “عرش” (Arsh): Azmat ya barai)
Beauty“عرش” (Arsh) کا معنی: آسمانی زیبائی (Meaning of “عرش” (Arsh): Aasmani Zeboai)
Leadership“عرش” (Arsh) کا مطلب: سلطنت یا حکومت کا عنصر (Meaning of “عرش” (Arsh): Saltanat ya Hukoomat ka unsar)
Status“عرش” (Arsh) کا معنی: زندگی کا سب سے اعلی مقام (Meaning of “عرش” (Arsh): Zindagi ka sab se aala maqam)

عرش نام کا مطلب

ارش نام کے معنی متعدد ہیں۔ ان میں سے些 وضاحت ذیل میں redeem کی گئی ہے:


تختِ شاہی، تختِ سلطنت

اصل و بنیاد، باگ ڈور


شامیانہ، خیمہ، سائبان

ٹٹی، لکڑی یا لوہے کی جالی جس پر انگور کی بیل چڑھائی جاتی ہے

پیر کے اوپر کا حصہ

ایک طرح سے عرش انسان کے لیے تو رکھا جا سکتا ہے کیونکہ اس کے تمام معانی اچھے اور مثبت ہیں، لیکن لڑکی کے لیےصحابیات رضی اللہ عنہن یا امت کی گزری ہوئی نیک خواتین کے ناموں میں سے کسی کا نام رکھنا یا اچھا بامعنی لڑکی کا نام رکھنا بہتر ہے۔

Al-arsh name translates to “related to the throne of Allah,” which is above and beyond all creation, and is the mark of His magnificence and splendor. For this reason, in al-arsh, the greatness and glory of Allah T`ala is supposed to be implied.

The names used by some prominent bearers of the name al-arsh are:

Al-arsh Fatima, a Pakistani singer and actress

Al-arsh Khan, a Pakistani cricketer

عرش مجید، ایک پاکستانی سیاست دان

عرش نام ایک خوبصورت اور بامعنی نام ہے، اور اس کے حامل شخص کے لیے نیک خواہشات کا اظہار کرتا ہے۔

یہاں کچھ مشہور اشعار اور اقوال ہیں جن میں عرش نام کا استعمال ہوا ہے:

عرش بریں پر جلوہ گر ہے نور محمد صلى اللہ علیہ وسلم (ایک نعتیہ کلام)

عرش خدا کے سامنے جھک کر دعا کی مانگا ہے میں نے تجھ سے اے رب کریم (ایک اردو شاعری)

عرش ہمارا ہے بلند و بالا اس سے بڑھ کر کوئی ہے مقام نہیں (ایک قومی تر

It is an unscientific thing to say that the name and luck of a “Throne” person must be green, and they are footed toil and hard work for success in the world; there is no faith in it. There is no scientific or research logic behind the relationship between a person’s name and his luck or success.

پوشیدہ باتیں ناموں کے بارے میں لوگوں کے تعلقات کی کہانی,L کثرت جس کے بارے میں سب لوگوں کا خیال ہے۔ کچھ ثقافتوں م

یہ بات ذہن میں رکھنا ضروری ہے کہ هر شخص کی کامیابی اور خوش قسمتی اس کی محنت، لگن، اور صلاحیتوں پر منحصر ہوتی ہے، نہ کہ اس کے نام پر .

تاہم، یہ ع

اگر آپ عرش نام رکھنے کے بارے میں سوچ رہے ہیں، تو آپ کو اس بات کا خیال رکھنا چاہیے کہ یہ ایک خوبصورت اور بامعنی نام ہے جس کے کئی اچھے معانی ہیں۔

آخر میں، یہ آپ کی ذاتی پسند ہے کہ آپ اس نام کے بارے میں کیا سوچتے ہیں اور کیا آپ اسے اپنے بچے کے لیے پسند کریں گے۔

Lucky⁣ Color

I’m not so sure if there is a particular, solid, specific lucky color for the name Arsh. As I have mentioned before, it is all tied back to tradition and belief.

Anyway, here is a couple of ways to dig into this idea to find if there any:

Meaning of Name Arsh: The name Arsh represents, according to the meanings, positivity and strength: bright, hero, truthfulness. So if we are really bent in finding out, based on the interpretation of these meanings, the colors that may ring true could be

Success and attainment; wisdom. White: Purity, innocence, and new beginnings. Blue: Trust, loyalty, and peace. Numerology Approach: Assuming you enjoyed numerology, that would be a way to calculate a number by using the letters in “Arsh” to then give a color to that number. The problem is that numerology is not for everyone, and there are enough different ways of calculating the number that nearly any number could be obtained.

And the best “lucky color” for an individual named Arsh will be the color that feels most personal, really yours. So, which of the above-listed colors do you feel you find yourself in, or maybe some other color is extremely lucky for you?

Features of Arsh’s name personality

Ordinarily, the name Arsh is thought to bring in positive personality features considering the meaning of the name in Arabic. Here is what some believe about persons named Arsh:

Leadership and Strength: Arsh derives from the word meaning “throne” or “dominion.” This would point to a natural feel of leadership and command. People with the name Arsh may find themselves in influential positions or roles and being trusted by other people.

Ambitone and Drive: Being connected with a throne could be seen as being very centered and wanting to achieve great things in life. There could be ambitious persons with this name who are determined to make it big.

Resilience and Justice: The throne would also signify resilience in one’s nature and the capability of bouncing back with ease from adversities. Arsh, associated with Allah’s divine throne, can be personified to convey elements of justice and fairness in strong terms.

Remember : This is based on the interpretation of the origin of the name. So many other factors apart from a name go into the make up of someone’s personality.

Some other points worth thinking about

Cultural background may be a variable that determines the specific meanings and associations of Arsh.

Nobody can prejudge individualities, and there might be a whole bundle of personality traits for one individual carrying this name, Arsh.

On the whole, the name Arsh has positive connotations associated with power, leadership, and ambitions. In reality, however, so much more goes on to tell about an individual than just stating his name.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Urdu girl name “عرش” (Arsh) mean?

Urdu girl name “عرش” (Arsh) means “throne” or “kingdom”.

How common is “عرش” (Arsh) in Urdu-speaking countries as a girls’ name?

Though “عرش” (Arsh) is preferably a masculine first name, it can also be opted for as a feminine first name, though less common.

What characteristics are generally associated with the name “عرش” (Arsh) for a girl?
A girl named “عرش” (Arsh) could have characteristics such as strength, leadership, majesty, confidence, ambition, charisma, and spirituality.
Which are some of the famous names or personalities in the Urdu-speaking regions with the name “عرش” (Arsh) ?

Information about famous personalities in Urdu-speaking regions may vary, and people bearing the name could be known for their leadership, educational accomplishments, or even in spiritual work.

What are the different ways to spell the Urdu name “عرش” for girls?

The different spellings of the name “عرش” in Urdu for girls include is “اریش” (Arish), “آرش” (Aarish), and “عریش” (Areesha).

What is the lucky number and the lucky stone of this name “عرش” (Arsh) for a girl?
The lucky number associated with the name “عرش” (Arsh) for a girl is considered to be 7, and the lucky stone is “پخراج” (Pukhraj).
Does the name Arsh have any cultural/religious significance?

Yes, Arsh is one name in Islamic theology that carries importance, for it refers to the throne of Allah, or God, in Islamic scriptures, and more so in the Quran.

These are some common questions and answers regarding names that people would like to know in Arabic.elated to the name “Arsh” in Urdu for girls. If you have any further inquiries or specific questions, feel free to ask!

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