Quran Quiz Questions And Answers | 2024

What is the meaning of the word “Quran”?
Answer: Recitation or Reading.

What is the first Surah of the Quran?
Answer: Al-Fatiha, The Opening.

How many ayaat does the longest Surah of the Quran contain?
Answer: 286 ayaat, Surah is Al-Baqarah.

What is the specialty of the number 19 in the Quran?
Answer: It is stated therein to be a sign of authenticity in Sura Al-Muddathir.

In which city was the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him born?
Answer: Makkah (Mecca), in present-day Saudi Arabia.

What was the name of the cave in which the first revelation of the Quran came upon Prophet Muhammad?
Answer: Cave Hira.

Which Surah of the Holy Quran is called the “Verse of Light”?
Answer: Surah An-Nur, Chapter 24.

What does the word “Ayah” mean in the Quran?
Answer: Sign or Miracle.

Which Surah is known as the “Verse of Forgiveness”?
Answer: Surah Al-Mulk (Chapter 67).

What is the name of the mountain where Prophet Musa (Moses) received the Ten Commandments?
Answer: Mount Sinai.

How many times does the word “Islam” appear in the Quran?
Answer: Five times.

What is the last revelation of the Quran known as?
Surah Al-Ma’idah (Chapter 5), verse 3.

What is meant by “Tajweed” with respect to the recitation of the Qur’an?
Answer: Those scientific laws that guide the right pronunciation and enunciation of the Quran.

What was the name of that companion who wrote the Quran at the instruction of Prophet Muhammad?
Answer: Zaid ibn Thabit.

How many times is Prophet Muhammad’s name mentioned in the Quran?
Answer: Four times.

Which Surah of the Holy Quran is considered “The Sura of Purity”?
Answer: Surah Al-Ikhlas, Chapter No. 112.

By what name is the miraculous night ascent of Prophet Muhammad from Makkah to Jerusalem and then on to the Heavens known?
Answer: Isra and Miraj.

What was the name of the angel who asked questions from Prophet Muhammad during the revelation of the Quran?
Answer: Angel Jibreel or Gabriel

What does “Bismillah” mean?
Answer: In the name of Allah.

Which Surah in the Quran comprehensively details the story of Prophet Yusuf?
Answer: Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12).

What does the word “Jannah” denote in the Quran?
Answer: Paradise or Garden.

How many times a day is a Muslim expected to offer Salah (prayer)?
Answer: Five times.

What is the name of the compulsory poor-rate Muslims have to offer?
Answer: Zakat.

Which Surah in the Quran is referred to as the “Chapter of The Elephant”?
Answer: Surah Al-Fil (Chapter 105).

What is the name of the well-known Surah that starts with the alphabets “Alif Lam Mim”?
Answer: Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2).

How many Surahs of the Quran start with the word “Qul” (Say)?
Answer: Four.

Which is the Surah of the Quran considered to be the “Chapter of Mercy”?
Answer: Surah Ar-Rahman (Chapter 55).

What is the name of the angel who will blow the trumpet on the Day of Judgment?
Answer: Angel Israfil.

For what do you call the obligatory pilgrimage to Makkah, which is to be performed by a Muslim?
Answer: Hajj.

On which mountain did the Prophet Musa speak to Allah?
Answer: Mount Sinai.

What do you call the Surah of the Qur’an that is called the “Chapter of The Fig”?
Answer: Surah At-Tin (Chapter 95).

What do you call the Islamic declaration of faith?
Answer: Shahada.

How many times does the phrase “A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim” occur in the Quran?
Answer: It occurs six times.

Name the Surah in which the emphasis of seeking refuge in Allah before reciting the Quran is given.
Answer: Surah An-Nas (Chapter 114).

What is the term used for the Muslim month of fasting?
Answer: Ramadan.

Which Surah is called “Chapter of The Dawn”?
Answer: Surah Ad-Duha (Chapter 93).

What is the night of power and decree called as per the Quran?
Answer: Laylat al-Qadr.

The word “Rahman” repeats in how many instances in Surah Ar-Rahman?
Answer: 31 times.

In which Surah is the importance of seeking knowledge mentioned?
Answer: Surah Al-Alaq (Chapter 96).

How many prophets’ names are mentioned in the Quran?
Answer: 25 prophets’ names.

Which is the Surah of the Quran known as the “Chapter of The Cow”?
Answer: Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2).

What is known as the Muslim call to prayer?
Answer: Adhan.

Which is known as the “Chapter of The Spider” in the Surah of the Quran?
Answer: Surah Al-Ankabut (Chapter 29).

Mention the Surah in which the story of Prophet Moosa and Pharaoh is mentioned?
Answer: Surah Ash-Shu’ara (Chapter 26).

In which chapter or Surah of the Quran is the word “Jihad” repeated?
Answer: 41 times.

What is the whatever Night Journey in which the Prophet Muhammad was taken from Makkah to Jerusalem called?
Answer: Isra.

What is the Surah in the Quran that deals with the subject concerning The Women?
Answer: Surah An-Nisa (Chapter 4).

What do you call the Quran and Hadith sources of Islamic law?

What is the name of the Chapter of The Cave in the Quran?
Al-Kahf (Chapter 18).

What term is used for the Muslim community/nation?

It’s quite a long list to make 100 questions and answers about the Quran quiz, but here is another lot to add to what you already have:

What are the respective names given to the chapters of the Quran?
Answer: Surahs.

Which chapter of the Quran is known as the “Chapter of The Morning Hours”?
Answer: Surah Al-Fajr (Chapter 89).

What is the name of the Muslim’s affirmation that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger?
Answer: Shahada.

How many times is the name of the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) mentioned in the Quran?
Answer: Four times.

What is Surah Ad-Duha known as in English?
Answer: The Daybreak.

What do we call the recitation of the Quran with correct pronunciation and intonation?
Answer: Tajweed.

How many times has the word “Ramadan” been repeated in the Quran?
Answer: Once.

What is Surah Al-Lail known as in English?
Answer: The Night.

What is the name of the angel who will write down what humans do on the Day of Judgment?
Answer: Angel Raqib.

And which Surah of the Quran is known as the Chapter of The Criterion?
Answer: Surah Al-Furqan, Chapter 25.

What is the term used for the minor ablution that Muslims perform before prayer?
Answer: Wudu, or Ablution.

How many times does the phrase “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful” appear in the Quran?
Answer: 114 times, at the beginning of each Surah except one.

What is the “Chapter of The Pen” in the Quran called?
Answer: Surah Al-Qalam (Chapter 68).

What is the term used for the Muslim pilgrimage to Makkah, one of the Five Pillars of Islam performed during the month of Hajj?
Answer: Hajj.

How many times is the word “Zakat” mentioned in the Quran?
Answer: 32 times.

Which is the Surah of the Quran, which is also called the “Chapter of The Congregation”?
Answer: Surah Al-Jumu’ah (Chapter 62).

What is the word or phrase for the day of judgment or day of resurrection in Islam?
Answer: Yawm al-Qiyamah.

How many chapters or Surahs in the Quran start with the words “Qaf”?
Answer: Two.

What Surah of the Quran is called the “Chapter of The Sun”?
Answer: Surah Ash-Shams (Chapter 91).

What is the other term used for the Islamic law derived from the Quran and Hadith?
Answer: Sharia.

How many times is the word “Sunnah” mentioned in the Quran?
Answer: Not even once.

Which Surah of the Quran is known as the “Chapter of The City”?
Answer: Surah Al-Balad (Chapter 90).

What is the word mentioned in the Quran for fasting in the month of Islam?
Answer: Ramadan.

How many times does the word “Jannah” come in the Quran?
Answer: About 144 times.

What is the Surah of the Quran called “Chapter of The Elephant”?
Answer: Surah Al-Fil (Chapter 105).

What is the word called for the Islamic call for ‘prayer’?
Answer: Adhan.

How many Surahs begin with the letters mentioned above in the Quran?
Answer: Seven.

Which Surah of the Quran is entitled as the “Chapter of The Sincerity”?
Answer: Surah Al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112).

What is the term for the non-fard (optional) night prayer performed by religious Muslims?
Answer: Tahajjud.

How many Surahs in the Quran are named after the Prophets?
Answer: Seven.

Which Surah in the Quran is entitled as the “Chapter of The Morning Star”?
Answer: Surah An-Najm (Chapter 53).

The month for pilgrimage and sacrifice (in Islam) is known as what?
Answer: Dhu al-Hijjah.

Approximately how many times is the word “Jihad” found in the Quran?
Answer: 41.

Which chapter of the Quran is called the “Chapter of The Day of Resurrection”?
Answer: Surah Al-Qiyamah (Chapter 75).

What is the name given to the meal consumed before the fast starts at dawn during the month of Ramadan?
Answer: Suhoor.

How many verses are there in the smallest chapter of the Quran?
Answer: Three verses (Surah Al-Kawthar, Chapter 108).

Which Surah of the Quran is called the “Chapter of The Morning”?
Answer: Surah Ad-Duha (Chapter 93).

What is the name given to the minor ablution made by Muslims before touching or reciting the Quran?
Answer: Wudu (Ablution).

How many times does the word “Iman” occur in the Quran?
Answer: Approximately 25 times.

Which Surah of the Quran is called “Chapter of The Time”?
Answer: Surah Al-Asr (Chapter 103).

What is the term used for the Islamic law derived from consensus of scholars?

How many times does the word “Allah” appear in the Quran?
Approximately 2,698 times.

Which Surah of the Quran is called the “Chapter of The Opening”?
Surah Al-Fatiha (Chapter 1).

What is the term used for the Islamic ritual of sacrificing an animal during Eid al-Adha?

How many verses are in the Quran?
6,236 verses.

Which Surah of the Quran is called “Chapter of The Prophet”?
Answer: Surah Al-Ahzab (Chapter 33).

What is the Arabic term for the Islamic pilgrimage to Makkah performed by Muslims at any time of the year?
Answer: Umrah.

How many times has the word “Dunya” come in the Quran?
Answer: Around 115 times.

Which Surah of the Quran is called “Chapter of The Unity”?
Answer: Surah Al-Ikhlas (Chapter 112).

What’s the word for going on a pilgrimage to the graves of prophets and saints?
Answer: Ziyarat.

With these questions, you get a cover of concepts around the Quran, Islamic teachings, history, or any terminologies. Use them for quizzes, class revision work, home assignments, or personal use.

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