Noor Ul Quran 2024

Original Nameنور القران
Alternate Original Name
Romanized NameNoor-ul-Quran
Alternate Romanized Name
EnglishLight of the Quran
MeaningArabic words
AuthorMirza Ghulam Ahmad
PublicationJune and December 1895, edited by Siraj-ul-Haq and published by Fazal Din Bhervi at Zia-ul-Islam Press, Qadian

Noor-ul-Quran: The Light of the Quran


“Noor-ul-Quran” in Arabic means “Light of the Quran,” which holds within it the very essence of faith that the Quran, the last revelation of Allah to humanity, provides guidance, wisdom, and spiritual insight for humankind. The place of the Quran in the life of a Muslim is unique in the sense that, unlike other religious books, it is not merely a book of religion; rather, it is an all-embracing guidebook that provides moral, ethical, legal, and spiritual directives in every walk of life. In the Quran, light refers to such concepts as clarity, guidance, and presence of God, standing in direct contrast to darkness as a metaphor for ignorance and misguidance.

The Guidance from God—Qur’an

The Holy Quran is the ultimate source of guidance to the Muslims pertaining to every walk of human existence, from personal conduct to laws ruling the different aspects of a society. This is taken to be an expression of Allah’s mercy and care for humanity. Verses like “This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah” (Quran 2:2) lay much emphasis on the role of the Quran as a guide toward righteousness and piety.

Spiritual Realization

The Holy Quran aims at enlightening human souls and establishing a close and personal relationship between man and Allah. The Holy Quran lays much emphasis on frequent reflection, thoughtfulness, and understanding. Even reading the Holy Quran is a kind of worship that would raise spiritual outpouring and solace. Verses such as “A Book We have sent down to you, full of blessings, so that they may ponder over its verses, and so that the people of reason may reflect” (Quran 38:29) ease the reflective approach to the text for the Believer.

Moral and Ethical Framework
The Quran provides, in one sense, a strong moral and ethical framework which instructs the Muslims regarding how to live a life of righteousness. It deals with some of the most basic human values: justice, compassion, honesty, and respect. For example, “Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice” is a verse emphasizing fairness and integrity. Not only should these values guide people as individuals, but they must also be applied in building a society that is just and at peace.

Legal and Social Guidance

The Quran is the first source of Islamic law, together with the Hadith, which includes the sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad. It deals with people’s rights and responsibilities, family relations, social justice, and governance. For instance, the verse “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives” demands that there be a full commitment to justice, even in the most difficult situations.

Connection with Allah

The Quran is regarded as the literal word of Allah, which was given piecemeal to the Prophet Muhammad during a period of 23 years. It is literally the word of the Creator to humanity, through which the connection between Allah and the believers was strengthened. This relationship, based on love, obedience, and trust, fosters an affiliation. Verses like “And when My servants ask you concerning Me, indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me” (Quran 2:186) reassure believers of Allah’s proximity and responsiveness to their prayers.

Noor in the Quran

Light is a metaphor used more often in the Quran to signify divine guidance and knowledge. This is one of the most famous verses regarding the subject: Ayat an-Nur, the Light Verse: “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp; the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things” (Quran 24:35). The following verse reveals great and universal guidance from God, in the light of which the hearts and minds of all believing souls are enlightened..

Tafsir of the Quran

Scholars, in an attempt to fathom the depth of Noor-ul-Quran, have devised an elaborate literature of tafsir. Their purpose is to interpret what the verses of the Quran mean, their context, and their consequences. Some of the famous ones are:

Tafsir al-Tabari: Early and vast work by Imam al-Tabari on the linguistic, historical, and theological aspects.

Tafsir Ibn Kathir: Very famous because of its thorough explanation and based mostly on Hadith.

Tafsir al-Qurtubi: Based on legal interpretation and jurisprudence.

Tafsir al-Jalalayn: Renowned for its brevity and clarity.

Tafhim al-Quran by Abul Ala Maududi: It combines the traditionalist and modernist approaches with the modern reader in mind.

Noor-ul-Quran: Practical Application

The practical application of Noor-ul-Quran implies the acting upon of its lessons in life. It can be observed on different levels:

Daily Recitation: Most of the Muslims read portions from the Quran on a daily basis. Most of the Muslims start their day by reading some verses from it. This habit provides spiritual upliftment and also protection to the reader.

Learning and Memorization: One of the most honored things amongst the Muslim community is memorizing the Quran (Hafiz). There are educational institutions all around the world that hold Quranic studies with an emphasis on both understanding the content and memorizing it.

Guidance in Life: A Muslim looks toward the Quran for his or her guidance in life, whose wisdom it seeks to resolve various personal and social matters. Business ethics, family relations, and conflict resolution form a host of areas where Quran’s principles are applied.

Challenges and Interpretation

While the Quran is considered clear guidance, its interpretation varies. The difference in cultural context, linguistic grasp, and scholarship-oriented points of view can give way to various interpretations. This diversity is represented through various schools of thought within Islam that offer different insights and methods into perceiving the Quran.

Of course! Here is the organized overview based on the given information about Jabal e Noor ul Quran in Quetta:

Jabal e Noor ul Quran History

This place is sacrosanct, being the first-ever Quran recycling plant, that two brothers metamorphosed into a shrine of the copies of Holy Quran. This spot has become a place of pilgrimage for many who wanted to pay their regards to, and preserve the holy Islamic texts.

Thought behind the Mission

The mission behind Jabal e Noor ul Quran is based on the preservation of, and respect for, the Quranic manuscripts. By burying old Qurans and Hadiths deep in caves, this site ensures the safety of these hallowed texts from disrespect or any other sort of mishandling.

Jabal e Noor ul Quran – Significance

Jabal e Noor ul Quran holds great spiritual value as it relates to the preservation of Islamic scriptures. It is proof of the respect that Muslims hold in regard toward their Quran and Hadiths, and provides a place for the preservation of these texts most carefully.

Brief Version Worth:

Such is Jabal e Noor ul Quran, better known as the Mountain of Light, that it serves not only as an eyecatcher but is also a significant symbol of spiritual devotion and conservation. Deep caves hold millions of sacks filled with old Qurans and Hadiths, a unique and holy site in Quetta.

This overview gives a brief insight into the purpose and mission of Jabal e Noor ul Quran, Quetta, an institute dedicated to the preservation of and respect for the Holy Quran and Hadiths.


Noor-ul-Quran means Light of Quran. It means that deep guidance and spiritual light which the Quran has brought for humanity. It is a Book of life which imparts moral, ethical, legal, and spiritual guidelines. Through the verses, Muslims also derive clarity, wisdom, and a closer connection with Allah. This metaphor of light thus very well explains the role of the Quran in dispelling darkness of ignorance and guiding the believers toward righteousness and enlightenment. The Quran is a living document that continues to inspire, guide, and transform the lives of Muslims around the world.

Noor Ul Quran FAQs

What does “Noor-ul-Quran” mean?

“Noor-ul-Quran” in English means “the Light of the Quran”. It is used to signify the Holy Quran as divine guidance and light upon Muslims.

Why is the Holy Quran named “Noor-ul-Quran”?

The Holy Quran is named “Noor-ul-Quran” as it is light, allegorically speaking. It imparts clearness, wisdom, and light to the believers for spiritual purposes.

Who gave the name “Noor-ul-Quran”?

The traditional use of the term “Noor-ul-Quran” underlines the role of the Holy Quran as a guiding light for faith and practice in Islam.

What is “Noor-ul-Quran” in Islam?

“Noor-ul-Quran” means that the Quran is the last living book of guidance which has been given by Allah, the most gracious, for humanity, wherein moral, ethical, legal, and spiritual guidance for mankind has been provided.

How does the Quran bring “Noor” into the lives of the Muslims?

According to the Muslims, reading, studying, and pondering over the Quran brings about spiritual enlightenment, strengthens faith, and guides in routine life.

Is “Noor-ul-Quran” a book or a concept?

“Noor-ul-Quran” refers mainly to the fact that Quran is a Noor from Allah. It is not a name given to any particular book; rather, it is used as a symbol indicating the spiritual value of Quran.

Has any verse used the word “Noor” for light in the Holy Quran?

Yes, the Quran does use the metaphor of light in many verses, one of them being Quran 24:35 where Allah is said to be the Light of the heavens and the earth.

What does “Noor-ul-Quran” mean in Islamic scholarship?

The expression “Noor-ul-Quran” is understood by Islamic scholars to mean a concept that focuses on guiding humanity toward righteousness, justice, and spiritual fulfillment.

What are some famous works or exegesis (tafsir) related to “Noor-ul-Quran”?

The scholars’ tafsir, such as Ibn Kathir and al-Tabari, among others, typically explain the deeper meanings and implications of the Quran as “Noor-ul-Quran.”

Can “Noor-ul-Quran” be applied practically in daily life?

Yes, Muslims apply the teachings and principles of “Noor-ul-Quran” in aspects of life, from personal conduct to social interaction to spiritual growth.

These FAQs point out how the concept of “Noor-ul-Quran” is an overview and the essence in Islamic belief and practice.

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