Benefits of the recitation of the chapters of the Holy Qur’an | 2024

The term “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” holds a very significant place in Islam and is very beneficial as well. Different narrations and teachings about its recitation describe its huge spiritual importance and rewards.

Repetition and Placement in the Quran: “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” happens to be the first verse of every chapter of the Holy Quran with the exception of Surah At-Tawba and has, most certainly been the most oft-repeated verse. This makes its strength and significance in Islamic application of practice and worship evident.

Rewards for Its Recitation:

Ruby Palaces in Jannah: It is narrated in Tafsir al-Burhaan that the Holy Prophet mentioned that “Bismillah” recited with conviction and understanding constructs magnificent palaces in Jannah. Every one of such palaces, made of a most precious material, signifies the gigantic reward for this kind of sincere recitation.

Crossing the Pul-e-Saraat: On the day of judgment, “Bismillah” recital helps the momin across Pul-e-Saraat, the bridge across Hell, in safety by reducing the flames of Hell and allowing the momin to pass through untouched.

Teaching one’s child the recital of “Bismillah” secures prohibition of Hellfire for the child, the parents, and the teacher. The real emphasis of this Tradition, therefore, is on the intergenerational and communal merit of teaching and learning this phase.

Transformative Power:

Graveyard Incident: The example of Prophet Isa (a.s.) seeing a sinner’s grave change from punishment to mercy as soon as his son recited “Bismillah” provides an illuminating point, namely, the power of transformation this phrase has. It makes unequivocally clear that the honest invocations of Allah’s name can change divine decrees, bringing in mercy.

Sign of the True Believer: “Bismillah” is recited aloud; it is a sign of a true believer. This term not only declares faith in one’s heart but also takes it out into the open and proclaims Allah’s name loud and clear.

Nearness to Isma A’adham: According to Imam Ali Ridha, “Bismillah” was very near the chosen name of Allah—that is, Isma A’adham—indicating the close relationship and spiritual and esoteric significance of the term.

The jurisprudence and narrations that surround “Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim” underline its importance in daily life and worship, portraying the unlimited rewards and divine mercy granted to those who recite it sincerely. It reminds man of Allah’s presence, grace, and mercy in every walk of life.

Surah al-Fatihah (The Opening)

This is the first chapter of the Holy Quran, known as “The Opening”, composed of seven verses. It is a Surah that bears both ‘makki’ and ‘madani’, which means it was revealed in Makkah and Madinah.

Significance and Benefits:

Reward for its Recitation: The reward for reciting Surah al-Fatihah is that of reciting two-thirds of the Holy Quran; by reading it, one gets the reward of giving charity to all the believing men and women in the world.

Uniqueness: The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, emphasized that a similar revelation to this Surah could not be found in the Taurat, Injeel, Zabur, or even in the remainder of the Quran.

Cure for Ailments: The Prophet, S, showed that Surah al-Fatihah is a panacea for all types of sickness except death. Imam AbulAbdillah Ja’far as-Sadiq, a.s., also outlined its curative power by saying that if it is recited 70 times on a limb in pain, the pain shall go away. It can even bring a dead body back to life.

This Surah is the most essential for the prayers as it is recited in every unit of prayer during Salah.

Other Names: It is also named as ‘Ummul Kitab’ and ‘Sab’a mathani’.

Surah al-Baqarah (The Cow)

Surah al-Baqarah is the longest chapter in Quran. It consists of 286 verses. It is a ‘madani’ Surah, revealed in Madinah.

Significance and Benefits:

Protection: It is narrated that one who recites the first four verses, Ayatul Kursi, and the last three verses every day is protected, his life, property, and family are saved, and Shaitan keeps away from him.

Daily Recitation: It is narrated that Holy Prophet has emphasised that one should get into the practice of reciting these verses so that the protection and remembrance of Allah may continue.

Surah Ali-‘Imran (The Family of Imran)

Surah Ali-‘Imran has 200 verses and it was revealed in Madinah.

Significance and Benefits:

Mercy and Forgiveness: This Surah, when recited on Fridays, God showers His mercy and forgiveness by the angels upon the reciter of this Surah until sunset.

For Conceiving: The Holy Prophet (S) recommends this Surah for those women who do not have children. This Surah should be written on saffron and worn as a taweez.

Sustenance: Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) is reported to have said that if this Surah is written and worn as a talisman then it increases one’s sustenance.

Protection on Judgment Day: It will protect the reader from the heat of Judgment Day if he recites Surah al-Baqarah and Ali-‘Imran.

Surah an-Nisa (The Women)

This Surah is one of the Medinan Surahs and has 177 verses.

Significance and Benefits:

Protection in the Grave: According to Imam Ali (a.s.), it protects from the squeezing in the grave if read every Friday.

Surah al-Ma’idah (The Table-spread)

A ‘makki’ Surah with 120 verses, Surah al-Ma’idah is associated with huge rewards for its recitation.

Benefits and Importance:

Huge Reward: In a Tradition, it is narrated that the Holy Prophet (S) said, “Whoever recites this Surah will get a reward equal to ten times the number of the Jews and Christians alive on that day. He will also get forgiveness for his sins and an increase in his status.”

Surah al-An’aam (The Cattle)

This Makkan Surah has 165 verses and is associated with sundry benefits.

Benefits and Importance:

IN ANGELS INTERCESSION: Imam Ridha saga narrated that seventy thousand angels came down with this Surah, and they seek forgiveness for its reciter until the Day of Judgment.

BLESSINGS AND HEALTH: Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq saga guided to write this Surah with musk or saffran and give it a rinse in water to drink for blessings and saflty from diseases.

Respect and Blessings: It contains the name of Allah seventy times. If the people knew the benefits of reading it, they would read it frequently.

The deep spiritual and practical benefits that were described within these traditions and lessons emphasized the importance of these Surahs in every person’s life and the performance of any act of worship.

Surah al-A’araaf (The Elevated Places)

This ‘makki’ Surah comprises 206 verses of great spiritual benefits.

Importance and Benefits:

No Worry or Fear: If this Surah is recited once a month, then on the Day of Resurrection he will not be worried or fearful. On Friday, recite it to remain exempt from the taking of accounts on Judgment Day.

Protection from Iblees: The Holy Prophet S has said, “Reciting this Surah places a veil between him and Iblees and he will be in the company of Prophet Adam a.s.”.

Protection from Enemies and Wild Animals: Writing the Surah with rose water and saffron and keeping it ensures safety from enemies and wild animals.

Surah al-Anfaal (The Spoils of War)

Surah al-Anfaal was revealed in Madinah and has 75 verses.

Significance and Benefits:

Protection from Hypocrisy: Reciting Surah al-Anfaal and Surah at-Tawba every month protects from hypocrisy and ensures that one is counted among the followers of Ameerul Mu’mineen – Imam Ali (a.s.).

Intercession and Testimony: The Holy Prophet (S) will intercede and testify on behalf of the reciter, declaring him free from hypocrisy.

Fulfillment of Rights and Desires: The recitation of Surah al-Anfaal ensures that one gets his rightful dues and fulfillment of rightful desires.

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Surah al-Bara’at (at-Tawba) (The Repentance Wastes)

Surah al-Bara’at, the ninth surah of the Quran, revealed in Madinah, contains

Defense against Thieves and Fire: This Surah provides protection against thieves and fire, which damage the property, by making it enter one’s head.

Defense against Enemies: This Surah provides protection against the harmful designs of one’s enemies by possessing it.

Surah Yunus

It is a ‘makki’ Surah comprising 109 verses.

The Significance and Benefits:

Proximity to Allah: A person who reads this Surah once every two or three months is safe and will not be counted among the ignorant. He will be counted amongst the muqarrabeen on the Day of Judgment.

Reward of Prophet Yunus’s Community: The one who reads this Surah earns a reward equivalent to whoever reads the number of people of Prophet Yunus’s community.

This Surah is also used to discover thieves. It involves writing the Surah and placing the names of the suspected persons under it. The name of the person who has committed the theft comes to the top by itself after some time.

Surah Hud

This Surah was revealed in Makkah and it contains 123 verses.

Importance and Benefits:

Judgment with Prophets: If this Surah is recited every Friday, one’s account will be taken with those of the Prophets, and his sins will be forgiven.

Shahadat ka Sawab : The reiter gets the reward of the number of people that existed during the Holy Prophet’s time and achieves the grade of martyrs.

Bravery and Fearlessness : If written on a sheepskin and kept, Surah makes a person brave, fearless, and strikes fear in the hearts of his adversaries.

Surah Yusuf

This is a Makkan Surah and consists of 111 verses.

Importance and Benefits :

Easeful Last Breathe: The last moments of life become easy to bear by reciting and teaching of this Surah and it eradicates jealousy from the heart.

Gladly Uplifted at the Time of Resurrection with the Handsomeness of Prophet Yusuf: The person who recites this Surah on a daily basis shall be raised up on the Day of Judgment with the handsomeness of Prophet Yusuf, and he will be secure from fear and restlessness.

Keeps Illegitimate Desires Under Control: This Surah protects the heart from illegitimate, lustful desires.

Easiness to Sustenance: Drinking with the water in which the Surah is dissolved leads to this. One feels an ease to get sustenance and becomes included in the people of Jannah.

The spiritual, physical, and esoteric benefits of reciting these surahs are emphasized, as are their place in the daily life and worship of believers.

Surah Ra’d

Surah Ra’d is an analyzed surah and has its 43 Ayat. It is mainly a Makki surah; however, some are puzzled on the last verse, making it Madani according to some scholars.

Meaning and Benefits:

Fulfillment of Promises to Allah: Whoever reads this Surah will be included in that good group of people who fulfill their commitments towards Allah gets rewarded tenfold to the number of his sins.

Entrance into Jannah: Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq has said that whoever recites this Surah frequently will enter Jannah without lengthy accounting and will also be allowed to intercede for his relatives and friends.

Protection from Tyrants: Writing the Surah at night under a candle’s light and hanging it outside a tyrant’s palace leads to the ruler’s downfall and betrayal by his supporters.

Surah Ibrahim

Surah Ibrahim, a ‘makki’ Surah having 52 ayaats/verses, provides plethora of spiritual benefits.

Significance and Benefits:

Safety from Misfortune: If someone recites Surah Ibrahim and Surah Hijr in a two-rak’aat prayer on every Friday; he always remains safe from poverty, insanity, and unforeseen disastrous events.

Protection for Children: If this Surah is written on a white parchment and hung as a talisman on a child, it keeps the child safe from ailments and helps in digestion.

Surah Hijr

Surah Hijr is a ‘makki’ Surah, and it comprises 99 verses. It gives rewards and provides protection.

Significance and Benefits:

Rewards of Muhajireen and Ansaar: The recitation of this Surah gets a reward equal to the number of Muhajireen and Ansaar.

Business Success: Wearing this Surah as a talisman blesses one with business bounty and sustenance.

Protection of Valuables: Carrying this Surah in a pocket or safe ensures the security of valuables.

Surah an-Nahl (The Bee)

Surah an-Nahl was revealed in Makkah, and it comprises 128 verses. It brings about spiritual and physical benefits.

Structure and Benefits:

Protection against Questioning It is reported from the Holy Prophet (S) that the one who recites this Surah will be safe from the accounting of the blessings of the world and will be rewarded like the person who helps others leaving a good legacy or was righteous in life.

Safety from Illnesses: Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq said that reading it once a month will keep a person safe from 70 kinds of illnesses and his abode would be in Paradise. However, it is harmful to keep it in the house or garden. But if there is an enemy who means hurt, it can be turned on him.

Surah Bani-Isra’il (Children of Israel)

Surah Bani-Isra’il is a ‘makki’ Surah containing 111 verses and is also known as Surah al-Isra’.

Significance and Benefits:

Love and softness towards parents: Holy Prophet S said, “Reading this Surah instills love and gentleness towards parents.”

Meeting Imam Mahdi a.t.f. : To read this Surah on every Thursday night ensures to meet Imam Mahdi a.t.f. and to be counted among his companions.

Protection for Children: Writing this Surah in saffron and giving its water to a child helps the latter learn to speak.

Protection from theft: The last two verses are for safety from theft.

Surah al-Kahf (The Cave)

Surah al-Kahf is the 18th chapter of the Holy Quran. This Makkan Surah has 110 verses, and it guards and rewards.

Significance and Benefits:

Protection from Fitna: This Surah, when recited, protects the reader from evil for eight continuous days.

Protection During Sleep: Whoever recites the last verse before going to sleep, there would be a light shed forth in front of him till the morning, reaching the Holy Ka’bah, and the angels would pray for him.

Martyr’s Death: If someone recites this Surah every Thursday night, he will die the death of a martyr.

Protection from Poverty: This Surah is kept in the house to ensure protection from poverty and loans or debts.

Surah Maryam

Surah Maryam is a ‘makki’ Surah and consists of 99 verses with its enormous rewards and protections.

Significance and Benefits:

Great Rewards: The recitation of this Surah gives a reward equal to ten times the number of people present at the time of various Prophets.

Protection from Thieves: It is thought to protect the house from thieves and the blessings of Allah.

Protection from Tyrants: Reciting particular verses before going near a tyrant will avail protection from him.

Surah Taha

This Surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 135 verses. It has great spiritual benefits associated with it.

Significance and Benefits:

Rewards Equivalent to Companions: This Surah brings the reward equivalent to the companions of the Holy Prophet (S) from the Muhajireen and Ansaar.

Benefits of this Surah

Friendship of Allah: Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) narrates that the reciter becomes the friend of Allah, Allah gives him his book of deeds in his right hand, and forgives his sins.

Marriage: Girls desiring marriage should bathe with water in which this Surah has been dissolved and men should write verses 131 and 132 with saffron and wear them as talisman.

This is a makki Surah and consists of 112 verses, which facilitate ease on the Day of Reckoning.

Importance and Benefits:

Easy Accounting: This Surah facilitates easy accounting on the Day of Reckoning and secures the meeting with Prophets.

Higher Status than Prophets: Frequent recitation elevates one’s status in Jannah close in the proximity of the Prophets.

Stress Removal: Keeping this Surah written removes stress and worry.

Surah al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)

The Surah has 78 Ayahs and is Makkan. It gives spiritual rewards.

Importance and Benefits

Reward of Pilgrims: The recitation of this Surah will give the reward of the number of pilgrims who have performed the Hajj.

Opportunity to Perform Hajj: Any person who recites this Surah every three days will avail an opportunity on his way to Hajj to get rewarded and on dying on the way to Hajj will be entitled to Jannah.

Light Punishment for the Sinners: Even the sinners would have their punishment lightened if they recite this Surah.

Surah al-Mu’minun (The Believers)

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 118


Serenity at the time of death

Good tidings from angels regarding one’s station

Reciting on Fridays gives a high station in the hereafter and companionship with prophets

Written and placed on an alcoholic will help them give up intoxicating drinks
Surah an-Nur (The Light)

Revelation: Madinah

Verses: 64


Protection from witnessing evil in near ones

70,000 angels pray for the reciter in the grave

Special benefits to women

Reward equivalent to ten times the number of Believers on Earth

Preparation for sincere repentance

Prevents wet dreams if kept in bed

Surah al-Furqan (Cantonment Centre)

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 77


Entry in Jannah without interrogation for the Day of Judgment’s Believers

None would harm Believers without being destroyed by divine punishment

High status on the day of judgment

Protects from earthly vermin

Surah ash-Shu’ara

Recitation delivers protection and a great deal of income in recitation three Tawaseen (start with Ta-Seen)

The dead will resurrect while reading Shahadah

It is equivalent to the reading of all revealed heavenly books if recited at dawn

Protection from the assassins, the drowning, or burning

Drank with water in which it is dissolved, it is a cure for all diseases

Surah an-Naml (The Ant)

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 93


If written in deerskin and kept in the houses, it keeps off dangerous bugs

Just reward in the times of population compared to ten times for several prophets

Surah al-Qasas (The Narrative)

Surah Name: al-Mudassir (The One Wrapped Up)
Revelation: Makkah
Total Number of Verses: 56
Prayer during tahajjud admits to Paradise
Reward equal to the number of people at Prophet Musa’s time
Angels witness to the reward
Drinking dissolved Surah cures illness and worries
Surah al-‘Ankabut (The Spider)
Revelation: First 11 verses in Madinah, rest in Makkah
Total Number of Verses: 69
Entry into Jannah without questioning

Brings joy and happiness if dissolved in water and drunk

Surah ar-Rum (The Romans)

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 60


Reward equal to ten times the number of angels between heavens and earth

Not advisable to keep as a talisman

Surah Luqman

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 34


Protection from Iblees and his army

Raised on the Day of Judgement with Hadhrat Luqman

Cure from all illnesses and pains if dissolved in water and drunk

Surah as-Sajd

Surah al-Alaq (The Clot)

Revelation: Makkah

Benefits: 30

Rewards equal to worshipping the entire night of Qadr

Given 60 rewards, 60 sins forgiven, raised 60 levels

Book of deeds given in the right hand on Judgement Day

Cure from aches and pains if kept in writing

Surah al-Ahzab (The Allies)

Revelation: Madinah

Benefits: 73

Saves from the torment of the grave

Under protection of the Holy Prophet and his progeny on Judgement Day

Makes a person honourable and desired if kept written

Surah as-Sabaa

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 54


All the Prophets and Messengers will come meeting the reciter on the Day of Judgement

Protection by Allah granted for the whole night if recited along with Surah Fatir

Removes fear and protects a person from enemies and wild animals

Surah al-Fatir (The Originator)

  • Revelation: Makkah
  • Verses: 45
  • Benefits:
  • Three or eight doors of Jannah will be opened for the reciter
  • Cure for migraine headaches through verse 42

Surah Ya Sin

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 83


All sins forgiven and reward equivalent to reciting the whole Qur’an 12 times

12 angels pray for the dying person’s forgiveness, if recited near the death bed

Key to all good, safety from all evil

Cures thousand types of illnesses if dissolved in water and drunk

Protection from Shaitan and calamities

Enhanced memory and success in debates, if drunk for seven days

Protection from jealousy and evil designs

Safeguards one from diseases if kept as a talisman

Surah as-Saffaat

Revelation: Makkah

Verses: 182


Protects from the deceptive arts of Shaitan

He who rectifies his affairs by reading it will find the entire Qur’an committing to memory as well as the Prophets of Allah always to remain by his side

If it is read on a Friday night then the reader will remain protected from all calamities and his Rizq will also increase abundantly. Will face no difficulty or trouble on the day of Qiyamah, and he will be saved from the squeezing in the grave. Will be under protection from Shaitan until the evening

Will die with complete Imaan and on the day of Qiyam

Downfall of tyrant rulers if placed under their reign

Surah az-Zumar (The Companies)

Verses: 75

Revealed in: Makkah


Respect and honour in this life and the hereafter.

Protection from hellfire.

Endless gifts in Jannah .

Surah al-Mu’min (The Believer) or Surah Sad

Verses: 85

Revealed in: Makkah


Forgiveness of sins and becoming God-fearing.

Prosperity in business and fruitful crops.

Remedy for wounds, heart problems, dizziness, and nausea.


Light on the Day of Judgment.

Cure for eye problems.

Surah ash-Shura (The Council)

Verses: 53

Revealed in: Makkah


Angels’ salutations and forgiveness.

Bright face on the Day of Reckoning.

Palace of red rubies in Jannah.

Surah az-Zukhruf (The Embellishment)

Verses: 89

Revealed in: Makkah


Protection from vermin in the grave.

Relief from pain when water with this Surah is drunk.

Surah ad-Dukhan (The Smoke)

Verses: 59

Revealed in: Makkah


Seventy thousand angels pray for forgiveness.

Protection from the torment of the Day of Judgment.

Benefit from commerce.

Surah al-Jaathiyah (The Kneeling)

Ayat: 37

Place: Makkah


Protection from Jahannam.

Fancy of the people and protection from tyrant kings.

Surah al-Ahqaf (The Sandhills)

Ayat: 35

Place: Makkah


Protection from every kind of danger in this world and the hereafter.

Great esteem and memory.

Brings protection at the time of war or unrest.

For curing heart ailments.

Surah al-Hujuraat

Number of Verses: 18

Place of Revelation: Madinah

Benefits: Shaitan does not cause harm. Brings protection when at war. The pregnant woman feels safe, and it increases the breast-milk.

Surah Qaf

Number of Verses: 45

Place of Revelation: Makkah

Benefits: Makes death.

Keeps children healthy.

Surah an-Najm (The Star)

Total Verses: 26

Revealed in: Makkah


Respectful life.

Victory in debates.

Surah al-Qamar (The Moon)

Total Verses: 55

Revealed in: Makkah


Face shines like full moon on the Day of Judgment.

Relieves troubles and respects on Jumu’ah prayers.

Surah ar-Rahman (The Beneficent)

Total Verses: 78

Revealed in: Makkah


Removes hypocrisy.

Works as.

Face bright on the Day of Recompense.
Forgiveness of sins and easy death.
Surah al-Hadid (Iron)
Verses: 29
Revealed in: Madinah
Considered with firm believers.
Bravery and immunity from war and evil.
Privilege of meeting the 12th Holy Imam.
Surah al-Mujadilah (Pleading Woman)
Verses: 22
Revealed in: Madinah
Cure from illness.
Immunity from.

Surah al-Mumtahanah (The Examined One)

Verses: 13

Revealed in: Makkah


Filled with faith and belief.

Protection from insanity.

Cure for ailments and martyr status if recited before death.

Surah as-Saff (The Ranks)

Verses: 14

Revealed in: Madinah


Forgiveness from Prophet Isa (a.s.).

Protection during dangerous journeys.

Grouped with angels and Proph.

Healing of bruises and pains.

Cures of diseases.

Surah at-Taghabun (The Loss And Gain)

Verses: 18

Revealed in: Madinah


Safeguards against every kind of affliction.

Shifa against disease.

Takes care and a bypass in carrying out something cumbersome.

Here are yet more Surahs from the Holy Qur’an and their respective merits along with advantages:

Surah al-‘Aadiyaat (The Assaulters)

Verses: 11

Revealed in: Makkah


From the Holy Prophet (S): The reward for recitation of this Surah amounts to ten thousand number of those who are present in Arafah and Muzdalifah in the course of performing Hajj.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): Whosoever recites this Surah daily shall be counted among the companions of Ameerul Mu’mineen (a.s.). Daily recitation is also equated to the reward of reciting the entire Qur’an. It also clears the debt, makes safe those who fear, makes available sustenance for the hungry, and quenches the thirst of the thirsty.

Surah at-Takathur (The Abundance)

Verses: 8

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): This Surah will protect its reciter from the trials of the grave and Hellfire punishment and shall keep him safe from the terror of the Day of Judgment.

It is narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that whoever recites this Surah frequently will get the privilege of Seeing the Prophet (s) on the day of Qiyamah and it will act as a protection from gharibiyah or ghurba literally means a state in which one feels lonely or venerable to poverty and misery, and from being destitute.

Surah al-‘Asr
The Declining Day

Verses: 3

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (S) that the recitation of this Surah provides safety and causes an increase in wealth. It will also keep one safe from lahw and from forgetfulness.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): Reciting Surah al-‘Asr in obligatory prayers makes one of the best of Allah’s (S.w.T.) servants.

Surah al-Humazah (The Slanderer)

Verses: 9

Revealed in: Makkah

Reported Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): Whoever recites this Surah often will be kept free from poverty and his sustenance will be ascended on to him generously.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): Whoever recites this Surah often, the anger of Allah (S.w

Verses: 5

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): The one who recites this Surah is given the reward of also having participated in the battle of Badr.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): This Surah is a protection from the enemy and success in your object is also attained.

Surah al-Mutaffifin (Those Who Give Less)

Verses: 36

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): If a person recites this Surah, all those jinns who intend to attack him will be forced to retreat.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): The reciter of this Surah will not suffer from thirst and hunger and will be guarded against all afflications.

Surah al-Ma’un (The Small Kindnesses)

Verses: 7

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

The Holy.

It has been narrated from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that reading this Surah extensively will save one from riya’ and the trials of the grave.

Surah al-Kawthar (The Abundance)

Verses: 3

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): The reciter of this Surah will be given great reward in the hereafter, and it is a cylinder of great spiritual benefit.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): The one who recites this Surah frequently will be given more sustenance, and he will be allowed to see the Prophet (S) on the Day of Judgement.

Surah al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers)

Verses: 6

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): The person who recites this Surah will be kept steadfast on the religion and will be saved from shirk.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): The reciter of this Surah will be saved from the whispers of Shaytan and will remain free from doubt in faith.

Surah an-Nasr (The Divine Support)

Verses: 3

Revealed in: Madinah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): Reciting this Surah frequently will lead to success in all endeavors and bring the mercy of Allah (S.w.T.).

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): Whosoever recites this Surah frequently will be successful and will achieve victory over his enemies.

Surah al-Masad

Verses: 5

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): One who recites this Surah frequently will be protected from the harm of his enemies and punishment of Hellfire.

Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): Safety from harm and misfortune will be granted to the reciter of this Surah.

Surah al-Ikhlas (The Purity)

Verses: 4

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): Whoever recites this Surah once will get the reward equal to one-third of the complete Qur’an.

Named Benefits:

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): Whoever recites Surah al-Ikhlas frequently, his sins would be forgiven, sustenance increased, and he will be safeguarded from all evil.

Surah al-Falaq (The Daybreak)

Verses: 5

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): Whoever recites this Surah frequently, will be safeguarded from magic and the evil eye.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): The reciter of this Surah will be safeguarded from all harm and misfortune.

Verses: 6

Revealed in: Makkah

Narrated Benefits:

From the Holy Prophet (S): Reciting this Surah frequently will protect one from the whispers of Shaytan and ensure spiritual purity.

From Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.): The reciter of this Surah will be kept safe from all types of harm and will be granted protection from all forms of evil.

These narrations highlight the spiritual benefits and protective qualities of these Surahs, encouraging frequent recitation and memorization for a person.r blessings and safety.

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