Bukhar ki Dua in Quran | 2024

Fever is one of the commonest sicknesses produced by an impact of extreme fatigue, cold, flu among others. The immune system, however can sometimes be compromised by the intensity of the fever and make a person vulnerable. The acuteness produced by fever accompanied by weakness generated could make the person helpless.

Dengue fever consists of three stages, and the Quran has made no supplication concerning fever.

1 first stage

Dengue fever is a viral infection from the dengue virus transmitted by mosquitoes, which causes symptoms similar to severe flu. Since it is not mentioned specifically in the Quran, one would make general supplications for health and well-being when ill. Generally, Muslims seek refuge in Allah from harm and invoke His mercy and healing.

Here is a general dua for seeking healing and protection:

“أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ، رَبَّ النَّاسِ، وَاشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءٌ لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا”
Translation: “Remove the affliction, O Lord of the people, and cure, for You are the one who cures, and there is no cure except Your cure; a cure that leaves no illness.”

While supplication is highly encouraged in Islam, also important is the need to seek and follow professional medical attention as far as diseases like dengue fever are concerned. If any symptoms of dengue fever are shown, healthcare professionals must be consulted in order to provide a proper diagnosis and treatment.

2nd stage

It is marked by the burst of a capillary, allowing the appearance of red traces on the body, hemorrhage in the nose and gums, vomiting of blood, and dark spots on the skin, which is manifested by an extreme fall in platelet count.

Malaria: A Call for Healing Prayers from the Quran.

It would appear that this phrase “Malaria: The alarm bukhar ki dua in Quran” suggests a linkage between malaria-a disease transmitted through mosquito bites-and the concept of seeking supplication-du’a-from the Quran for assistance or relief from the associated symptoms.

People mostly use such times, when facing health challenges, diseases included-like malaria, as an avenue to reach out to God through prayers for strength, healing, and protection. The “bukhar ki dua” itself mentions the dua related to fever, a symptom commonly associated with malaria infection.

Although there is no dua in the Quran to deal with malaria, it is permissible for people to cite general supplications for health and recovery. This would be an act of comfort, strength, and divine intervention during diseases or illnesses. What should be of essence, besides prayers, one seeks medical consultation and adheres to professional healthcare advice in diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

What is needed is caution and not fear of Dengue fever.

The statement borrows from the need to act with care on Dengue fever and not being afraid of the situation. Dengue fever is a kind of viral infection transmitted through mosquitoes. Though it can be a serious disease, panicking or fearing the situation amounts to nothing. Instead, it advocates the use of mosquito repellents, protective clothing, and eradication of the breeding site of the mosquitoes to reduce the chances of getting infected with Dengue fever. Those are cautious steps one could take for self-protection against the disease with no need to create panic or unnecessary terror in the air.

Tez Bukhar ki Dua Urdu mein

Here is the dua for ending fever both in English and Urdu, along with a downloadable PDF for offline use:

“In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. I take refuge in Allah, Almighty, from scorching veins and from scorching heat of flames.”

Urdu :
“شروع اللہ کے نام سے جو کبریائی والا ہے اور میں اس اللہ کی پناہ میں آتا ہوں جو عظمت والا ہے، پھڑکتی رگ اور آگ کی گرمی سے.”

You can also download the dua in PDF format for offline use.

Healing from fever in the Quran.

بِسْمِ اللَ

“If you are afflicted with a high fever, recite this prayer, and Insha’Allah, the fever will subside. Start off and conclude with sending blessings upon the Prophet. If you want your fever to come down as soon as possible, you should never forget to recite this particular prayer for the cure of your fever.”

It seems that one can recite a particular dua during high fever and be assured it would, God willing, reduce the fever. The envoy of blessings upon the Prophet further deteriorates the stress upon the recitation of the same prayer to take help from the spiritual realms to find respite from fever.

Bukhar Kam Hone ki Dua / Hadees about Bukhar, Fever

حدثني عمرو بن عباس، حدثنا عبد الرحمن، حدثنا سفيان، عن أبيه، عنعباية بن رفاعة، قال : أخبرني رافع بن خديج، قال : سمعت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، يقول : الحمى من فور جهنم فابृदوها عنكم بالماء.

عمرو بن عباس نے مجھ سے بیان کیا، جس کے بعد عبدالرحمٰن بن مہدی نے بیان کیا، اور وہ سفیان ثوری کے ذریعے بیان ہوا، جو کہ ان کے باپ سے حاصل ہوا، اور عبایہ بن رفاعہ نے اس سے بیان کیا، کہ مجھ کو رافع بن خدیج رضی اللہ عنہ نے خبر دی کہ میں نے نبی کریم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم سے یہ سنا، آپ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے فرمایا کہ بخار جہنم کے جوش مارنے کے اثر سے ہوتا ہے، لہذا اسے پانی سے ٹھنڈا کر لیا کرو۔

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