Quran Ki Tilawat Tarjuma Ke Sath | 2024

That’s great, and that shows appreciation and acknowledgement of the importance and standing the Holy Quran enjoys in Islam. The Quran, being the literal words of Allah as revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, occupies a central and respected position in the lives of Muslims. Following are some more important points that show the importance of the Quran:

Guidance in Every Matter of Life:

The Quran guides every detail in life, including those dealing with faith and worship, morality and manners, family and social justice, and right conduct. It deals, therefore, with teaching every way that is necessary for one to live a righteous and full life.

Spiritual and Moral Development:

They believe the Quran is not just a book that gives decrees and sets rules for what is right and wrong; it is more about the way through which spiritual and moral uplift is achieved. Its teachings aim at heart purification, cultivation of virtues, and relation building with Allah.

Preservation of the Text:

One of the miraculous aspects of the Quran is its preservation. According to Muslims, it has been preserved in its original form, without any change since the time of its revelation over 1,400 years ago.

Recitation and Memorization:

The Holy Quran is both recited and memorized by millions of Muslims across the world. The memorization of the entire Quran, which is popularly known as “Hifz,” is a great honor, and many young children and adults are involved in this noble endeavor.

Impact on Arts and Sciences:

The Quran reaches out beyond being a religious and spiritual guide to shaping Islamic arts, literature, and scientific endeavors through history.

Universal Message:

Although the Quran was revealed in Arabic, it is still a universal message that was sent to the whole of humanity. Translations into many languages facilitate access to its teachings for peoples all over the world.

The Quran, when heard from renowned Qaris such as Abdurrehman Al Sudais and Shuraim, is a spiritual experience. May the Quran remain guiding, a font of wisdom, and soothing balm for Muslims around the world.

Certainly. Here is a list of some Surahs – chapters of the Quran – along with their names in Arabic and their Urdu translations:

Surah Al-Fatihah (سورة الفاتحة) – The Opening

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Surah Al-Baqarah (سورة البقرة) – The Cow

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Surah Ali ‘Imran (سورة آل عمران) – The Family of Imran

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Surah An-Nisa (سورة النساء) – The Women

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Surah Al-Ma’idah (سورة المائدة) – The Table Spread

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Surah Al-An’am (سورة الأنعام) – The Cattle

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Surah Al-A’raf سورة الأعراف – The Heights

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Surah Al-Anfal سورة الأنفال – The Spoils of War

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Surah At-Tawbah سورة التوبة – The Repentance

Recitation of Quran

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Surah Yunus سورة يونس – Jonah

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Surah Hud سورة هود – Hud

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Surah Yusuf سورة يوسف – Joseph

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Surah Ar-Ra’d سورة الرعد – The Thunder

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Surah Ibrahim سورة إبراهيم – Abraham

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Surah Al-Hijr سورة الحجر – The Rocky Tract

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Surah An-Nahl (سورة النحل) – The Bee

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Surah Al-Isra (سورة الإسراء) – The Night Journey

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Surah Al-Kahf (سورة الكهف) – The Cave

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Surah Maryam (سورة مريم) – Mary

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Surah Taha (سورة طه) – Ta-Ha

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Surah Al-Anbya (سورة الأنبياء) – The Prophets

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Surah Ash-Shu’ara (سورة الشعراء) – The Poets
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Surah An-Naml (سورة النمل) – The Ant
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Surah Al-Qasas (سورة القصص) – The Stories
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Surah Al-‘Ankabut (سورة العنكبوت) – The Spider
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Surah Ar-Rum (سورة الروم) – The Romans
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Surah Luqman (سورة

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Surah Ya-Sin (سورة يس) – Ya-Sin

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Surah As-Saffat (سورة الصافات) – Those who set the Ranks

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Surah Sad (سورة ص) – The Letter Sad

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Surah Az-Zumar (سورة الزمر) – The Troops

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Surah Ghafir (سورة غافر) – The Forgiver

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Surah Fussilat (سورة فصلت)

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