Exam Ki Dua | 2024


A prayer for exams, or dua for exams, is a heartfelt supplication that individuals often recite to seek guidance, make decisions, and attain academic success. During challenging times such as exams, many people turn to their spirituality and faith as a source of solace and support.

The following is the translation that was already done from Arabic to Urdu. Here is the translation in English.

“Our’ Lord! So expand my chest for me * And make my task easy for me * Untie the knot from my tongue * So that they may understand my speech.”

“میرے رب! میرے لیے میرا سینہ کشادہ فرما دے ۔ اور میرا کام آسان کر دے ۔ اور میرے زبان کی گرہ خول دے تاکہ وہ میری بات سمجھ سکیں.”
Here are some of the countless benefits:
Spiritual Support
Dua is a way of communicating with Allah. Before the exam every time they make a dua they are taking guidance from God. And since their faith gives strength then it provide a stabilizing influence on their being.

Reduce Stress
Exams are a source of stress and anxiety for students. For some students, praying and supplication can be so relieving and soothing in order for them to overcome such stress and therefore think of the situation in a better light.

Sharpness of Focus and Concentration
A dua helps the student in maintaining their focus with their academic work. The student is reminded of his goals and the need to try as sincerely as possible to obtain an education.

Increased Confidence
The belief in prayer and its power can cause the feeling of confidence. The belief that a help has been solicited from above may elevate one’s self-confidence and self-belief.

Serenity of Acceptance
Most Duas contain certain words that express submission to the will of Allah. This is bound to bring calm and serenity even when one is not sure about examination results.

How to Make a Dua before an Exam: How to make a Dua before an exam is best done personally and from one’s heart. Following is the easiest way:

Find a Clean, Quiet Space
Find a clean and quiet place where you will be able to focus with minimal distraction.

Perform Wudu (Ablution)
Clean yourself and be spiritually sound with wudu before making dua.

Begin your dua by extolling the praises of Allah. You begin with words of praise such as “Alhamdulillah” All praise is due to Allah, “SubhanAllah” meaning Glory be to Allah.

Send Salawat to Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him-
You start sending your salam to Prophet Muhammad as a rule for starting the prayer of an individual.
Be specific with what you want in the examination dua: you ask Allah to guide you and give you discernment, understanding, and success both in academics and in exams. Now say it from the heart and say it in your own words.
Then repeat your duas – if possible at different times, especially in the last third of the night when duas are generally accepted.

Here it needs to be emphasized that though dua reciting can be one of the motivating and supportive factors, it cannot overshadow and act as a substitute for real efforts or thinking through a strategy. Effective preparation requires the amalgamation of practical studying techniques with the spiritual. There should be continuity in sincerity and belief while performing dua. Dua must be made in a humble way while one is wholeheartedly convinced about getting guidance and mercy from Allah. A combination of spiritual integration with the practical will bring about a holistic, balanced approach toward success in the exam.

Also, as magnificent as the dua of making dua is, let it complement your hard work, effective study techniques, and thorough exam preparation-not replace them. Success with Allah alone will come, but these stitches of your hard work, knitted together with belief and a prayer, can be comforting during the whirlpool of trial.

While this may be true, as exams have been the leading cause of stress for many students, it’s greatly important to keep an optimistic view during these instances. At the same time, as feeling nervous might be unavoidable, being at ease and optimistic can be a sure way of ensuring one performs better. Also, it is important to couple prayers of dilation with hard work since indeed Allah loves those who work hard.

One of the most effective prayers to be successful in examination is Darood-e-Shareef, and it really helped many to be pretty successful. It is very good to say Darood and make a sincere dua for the achievement of success in the examination. Tawakkul, which means elevation to the will of Allah, is necessary to be done as it inculcates a positive mindset.

In addition, there is also a verse from the Qur’an which will be helpful for any person who wants to increase his knowledge and ever perform well: “Rabbi zidnee ilma” or in English means “My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.” The above dua will be helpful not only for exams but also before interviews, seminars, and other educational pursuits.

Offering prayers regularly, without missing any salah, is meant for success in examination results. More effectiveness can be brought in while making a dua after offering salah with a pure heart and good intention. A person should always remember that Allah is kind and responsive to pious prayers of his believers.

Helping others counts, besides individual effort, spending time with parents and taking their parents’ prayers into consideration, too. Charity acts on behalf of the poor and sadaqah are believed to guarantee success on exams, the future world, and hereafter.

Finally, life should be balanced with enough rest, sleeping early and getting up early, offering Fajr Salah. Attention to the body and mind is a must for better results and living a successful life.


The word “Wazifa” refers to some particular verses or words of the Holy Quran or some particular prayers that are called, recited, for attaining some specific advantage or seeking some favor from Allah. The Dua that is to be made is in order to achieve success in the exam.

The Dua to be made for the success in the examination is

“”رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي * وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي * وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِنْ لِسَانِي * يَفْقَه
“O my Lord! Expand my chest for me * And make my task easy for me * Untie the knot from my tongue * So that they may understand my speech.”

You can recite this prayer, strongly believing in it, in conjunction with realistic efforts from your end in the form of a normal study routine for achieving maximum results. Above all, think positive and display a sense of trust in the guidance and mercy of Allah as you get ready for your exams.

Your perspective, nonetheless, reflects a very valuable understanding of the challenges in life and the transience of difficulties. Of course, we have to give our best in every task we get on with, including exams. Yet, it is equally important to remember that setbacks and failures are rather natural and part of the human experience.

My personal experience of stressing over the SATs and realizing how much it does not matter anymore sheds light on how sometimes the struggles in life are but temporary. To be able to look back and sometimes reflect on how inconsequential past challenges turned out to be indicates maturity and resiliency.

That is where your sticking-to-the-Sunnah-having-strong-faith argument in Allah really came across: faith is something from which strength and guidance should be sought, for sure. Therefore, this will work out if Allah so intends, and if not then perhaps something better lies in the offing; it is a solution hinging upon hope and optimism.

Your insights might help others in their challenges, letting them remember that adversity should be faced with patience, faith, and knowledge that sometimes surprises turn up in the future.

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