Ayatul Kursi English Translation | 2024

Ayatul Kursi is a verse in the Quran; it is in Surah Al Baqarah, Verse 255, Chapter 2, and holds immense importance for Muslims. While the actual translation in English is short, we can give an explanation of what it means and its relevance, which can go on much longer than the actual translation itself.

Ayatul Kursi – The Verse of the Throne:

The verse starts off with “Allah! There is no deity except Him,” stating the strict monotheism of Islam. This affirms one God only, Allah, the Creator and Sustainer of all that exists in the universe. In this brief sentence, it states the absolute singularity of Allah at the beginning of the verse; He is incomparable and unmatched.

“The Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence”:

These qualities attribute eternal life and sustenance to Allah. He is never under the shadow of death or decay, nor does He cease to sustain whatever exists. Here, in this part of the verse, the eternity of Allah is underlined and a quality of being the sustainer of the universe.

“Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep:

This part of the verse draws attention to the fact that Allah does not experience fatigue or weariness like human beings do. He is not in need of rest, sleep, or any form of relaxation because He possesses limitless power and energy. This attribute underpins Allah’s boundless strength and vigilance in overseeing His creation.

“To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth”:

This is a re-establishment of the fact that everything in the universe is His; He is the Supreme Ruler of all the creation in the skies and the earth. The whole idea of this ownership furthers the concept of all living and nonliving things at the discretion of Allah’s will.

“Who is there who can intercede before Him except with His permission?

This part of the verse puts into question the right and competence of any being to intercede before Allah on someone’s behalf. It again postulates that no one can intercede except by permission from Allah, as He is absolutely free to judge and show mercy. That is an important idea in theology because it underlines the concept of Allah’s absolute control over the Day of Judgment.

“He knows what is before them and what will be after them”:

The wordings mentioned in the verse put emphasis on Allah’s omniscience; He knows the past, present, and future. He fully knows what occurred and what will occur; thus, His awareness and wisdom are complete. This attribute reinforces the idea that Allah’s decisions are based on His infinite knowledge and wisdom.

“And they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills”:

This part of the verse acknowledges that our understanding is very limited, and we can only see what Allah wants us to see. It reinforces this fact that Allah’s knowledge is beyond man’s and all we need to do is believe in His wisdom and Judgment.

“His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth”:

Kursi” is a word that symbolizes the authority and dominion of Allah over the entire cosmos. That is, His rule over all creation wherein the throne of Allah extends far beyond the heavens and the earth. And this imagery has shown the great power of Allah and His control.

“And their preservation tires Him not”:

This statement ensures the sustenance and protection of the heavens and the earth by Allah without weariness, neither buries nor fatigues Him. It underlines the capability of Allah to maintain the universe without fatigue; hence, the concept of His infinite power.

“And He is the Most High, the Most Great:

The verse then concludes with the assertion of Allah’s transcendence and greatness: He is “the Most High” and “the Most Great,” second to no one in His greatness and majesty. This last statement wraps up the universal idea of Ayatul Kursi, a praise for the supreme qualities of Allah Almighty and His absolute sovereignty upon everything that exists within the universe.

In short, Ayatul Kursi is one of the deepest verses within the Quran, which entails within its words some very essential aspects of Islamic theology. It underlines the oneness of Allah, His omnipotence and omniscience, and His absolute authority over Creation. This verse is widely remembered as one of the core tenets in Islam, and memorized by many Muslims to be recited especially for the blessings, protection, and professions of faith it brings. Its explanation displays the depth and significance this verse carries in terms of Islamic faith and theology in 1500 words..

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