Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi in Quran | 2024

“amantu” and its significance/meaning in Islamic belief. Good, “amantu” would represent the declaration of faith and acceptance of the six fundamentals of belief in Islam. Let us discuss, in detail, the following six fundamentals:

Earlier: To believe in Allah, which forms the basic of Islamic faith, is to believe in His existence, in His oneness, and in His Sovereignty as the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The belief in Allah includes belief in His attributes like His mercy, His justice, and His being the supreme arbitrator.

His angels: Angels are God’s created spiritual beings which he uses to execute his will. The belief in angles is the belief that they exist, they reveal themselves to the prophets, they write human actions, and they intercede between Allah and people.

In His books: that is belief in the heavenly words revealed by Allah as a source of guidance to humanity; among them are the Quran, Torat, Bible, and Zabur. Muslims believe that Quran is the last and complete revelation and the ultimate guide and fount of knowledge for all people on earth.

To believe in His prophets: Prophets are selected by Allah from among people and are sent to deliver His message and guide. This concerns the acceptance of such people as Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad, peace be upon them all, and following their teachings.

There is a strong belief that there is to be a Day of Judgment: life after death, whereby a man will account for his deeds in the Hereafter. Muslims believe in the resurrection of the dead, the reckoning of deeds, and the eventual punishment or reward in the Hereafter, all based upon his faith and actions in this world.

Belief in predestination (qadar) means the belief that everything, good or bad, emanated from the will of Allah. Furthermore, predestination means the affirmation of Allah’s knowledge and power over everything.

The six basic elements of belief involve things through which a Muslim declares his commitment to his faith and resignation to Allah’s will. The term “amantu” literally embodies within itself the faithfulness of Islam and is a statement of allegiance to those beliefs that are based on the book of Quran and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

This is the phrase “amantu billahi wa malaikatihi,” as in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 285 of the Quran, which translates to “I believe in Allah and His angels.” In fact, this is one verse of the longer passage known as Ayat al-Kursi, which is one of the most famous and popular verses in the entire Quran. It emphasizes belief in Allah and His angels, while depicting the role the Quran plays in guiding and showing the believers the true way.

Thanks for this detailed explanation of “amantu” and its relation in Islamic belief. The declaration “amantu” summarizes the six fundamentals of belief in Islam and becomes a full declaration of faith in Allah and his divine attributes, belief in angels, in the scriptures, in the prophets, in the Day of Judgment, and in predestination.

Now, let’s analyze each word in “amantu”:

Amantu billah: This confirms that God exists and is one, far away from human weaknesses; He is incomparable, perfect, and faultless. It stresses that Allah is the One who created the universe, and that He is free from all imperfections or shortcomings.

Wa malaikatihi: This involves believing in Allah’s Angels, acknowledging them as spiritual beings Allah created for his commands and appoints to act as liaisons between Himself and humanity.

Wa kutubihi: belief in the books that Allah revealed to mankind—divine books and revelations from Allah to guide humankind—including the Quran and the like.

And belief in His rusul: prophets, and that their message to humanity concerning Allah’s message and wisdom for humankind is confirmed in that they were sent by Allah.

Wal-yawmil-akhiri: This affirms faith and is one of the concepts in Islamic eschatology that most highlights responsibility or taking responsibility for deeds in the Hereafter.

Wa bil-qadari khayrihi wa sharrihi minallahi taala: Translated means “believing in predestination—good or bad, it is from Allah’s hand and all that is to happen belongs to Allah’s will and decree.”.

Wal-ba’thu ba’dal-mawti haqqun :This is belief in life after death and resurrection, in confirmation to the fact that the resurrection and the Hereafter are true and inevitable realities.

In pronouncing “amantu” and confirming what it implies, Muslims show their loyalty to the principles on which the faith of Islam is built and express awareness of the broad comprehensive nature of their beliefs embracing the fundamental tenets of Islam.

Yes, “Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh” is a basic declaration of faith for a Muslim, known as Shahada. Short, yet it contains the basic tenets of faith for a Muslim.

Now, let’s try to decipher what it means point by point:

Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah.” This part of the Shahada asserts that Islam is a totally absolute form of monotheism. Muslims believe in one Allah, and He is believed in as one who is One, Unique, and to be worshipped. This declaration denies any forms of polytheism or the making of partners with Allah.

Wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh: “And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and messenger.” This part bears witness and mentions his prophethood, peace be upon him, that he is the last messenger sent by Allah to propagate His message to mankind. Muslims believe in a long line of prophets that spans from Adam through Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them), concluding with the Prophet Muhammad.

By reciting the Shahada, a person declares his belief in the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad. This recitation usually takes place during important occurrences in a Muslim’s life, such as conversion, daily prayers, and other religious observances. It is the constant reminder of the fundamentals of the Islamic religion and the adherence to live one’s life according to these fundamentals.

What is meant by the phrase “amantu billahi wa malaikatihi?” The following is a step-by-step explanation of the phrase and the importance it plays in the context of Ayat al-Kursi.

The Introduction of Ayat al-Kursi: Introduce the verse which contains the phrase “amantu billahi wa malaikatihi.” It should be noted that the text of Ayat al-Kursi is found within Surah Al-Baqarah. Precisely, this special verse of blessing is verse 255 of this surah, located in Chapter Two.

Meaning of “Aman tu billahi wa malaikatihi”: Divide the sentence “amantu billahi wa malaikatihi” into components:. “Amantu” is the first person tense, which means “I believe” or “I have faith.”. “Billahi” is used in place of “in Allah,” which gives sense to it by meaning belief in Allah’s existence, unity, and sovereignty. “Wa” is the connective word, which shows that belief in Allah should also be connected with some others. “Malaikatihi” is the plural of “malaikat” and agrees with the word “wa”. It gives the meaning “His angels,” but the pronoun of possession “His” is here a substitute. The right meaning is “those angels.”.

Significance of Belief in Allah: Discuss the importance of belief in Allah. The belief in Allah is the very foundation stone of Islamic faith and monotheism. It refers to acknowledging His existence, oneness, attributes, and powers as the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

Angels in Islam: Forwarding into the role of angels by Islamic belief, they are different spiritual beings created by Allah from light, who are obedient servants and play what they are commanded by their master. In their different areas, they play different roles, like revelations to prophets, recording the deeds of human beings, and other roles, which include guidance and protection.

Importance of faith in Allah and His Angels: Think and reflect on the importance of the faith of a person and his belief in Allah and His angels. Thus faith in Allah and His angels is a prime requirement of any Muslim because it makes his spiritual bond strongly linked with the Merciful Allah, and helps him lead a life dedicated to piety. It is a source of guidance, protection, and comfort in times of difficulty and uncertainty.

Practice of Faith in Daily Life: The faithful believe in Allah and His angels and their faith is applied to a Muslim’s life through the completion of the various acts of worship. Following the sunnah and the Quran for guidance, praying and making many supplications, and living an Islamically inclined lifestyle doilies essentially that.

Conclusion: Elaborate the importance of the phrase “amantu billahi wa malaikatihi” in the general perspective of Ayat al-Kursi and the belief system of Islam. Emphasize that strong faith in Allah and His angels is a great source of spiritual plasma that guides and protects the believer through the journey of life.

This will enable him to further expound into what is meant by the phrase “amantu billahi wa malaikatihi,” considering what it means to the Ayat al-Kursi and belief in Islam:

“Amantu billahi wa malaikatihi” is a phrase found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 285 of the Quran, meaning “I believe in Allah and His angels.” The verse is a segment of Ayat al-Kursi, one of the most famous and great verses within the Holy Quran, emphasizing the focal point of faith in Allah and His angels.

Below are the frequently asked questions (FAQs) on “Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi” in the Quran:

What is the meaning of “Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi”?

“Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi” is an Arabic phrase, meaning “I believe in Allah and His angels.” This is a declaration of faith in the absolute existence of the one and true Allah, monotheism, and the angels as holy and spiritual beings created by Allah to serve as His mediators for delivering the truth to humankind.

Where in the Quran does it mention “Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi?

The phrase can be found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 285. It forms a part of Ayat al-Kursi and is the second chapter in the Quran.

What is the meaning of “Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi”?

This is a declaration of faith regarding the core beliefs of Islam; separate is belief in one-ness of the Almighty, Allah, and existence of angels who act as direct concentration of positions to fulfil His commands.

How is “Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi” related to Islamic belief?

Belief in Allah and His angels is one of the basic principles of Islamic faith. Muslims have faith only in the Him in His invisible existence as one and sovereign, whereas the angels are the righteous servants of God Almighty who strictly abide by his instructions and commands and works as a messenger of God in the dealings of humans.

What is the importance of reciting Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi?

This is recited as an affirmation of faith in Allah and His angels. It is reminding of the cardinal principles of Islam and can bind one’s spiritual attach­ment with Allah.

In the above FAQs, the basic information regarding the phrase, “Amantu Billahi Wa Malaikatihi”, and what it holds in Islamic belief is shown as follows: outlined in the Quran.

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