Attahiyat Dua | 2024

How to Recite Attahiyat: A Simple Guide

This would be enough about the Attahiyat dua to be read during prayer – namely in the first and final Tashahud, because this text is about learning to pray and it is for beginners, children, and new Muslims. That is why it is mentioned here, since correct prayer pronunciations, with proper makhraj and recitation with Tajweed, is a matter of concern.

Pillars of Prayer:
Pillars are important because if any one of them is missing then the prayer will be regarded as invalid. Among the pillars are: Attahiyat, starting and ending of the Tashahud. It is an important pillar of prayer. A person who leaves a pillar intentionally then his prayer is considered void. If he does it involuntarily then it has to be made up when he remembers.
How Attahiyat was Revealed:
It follows the guide as derived from the version attributed to Ibn Abbas since the Shafi’e school of thought endorses it. The majority of the Muslim communities in Southeast Asia, especially Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Indonesia accept this version.

Attahiyat Meaning:
Tashahud is an Arabic term and literally means testimony; the act of Attahiyat, in prayer, basically means greetings. This is a part of the prayer wherein, while one sits facing the qibla or from another angle, one glorifies God, sends greetings to the Prophet, and invokes blessings and peace upon him and the pious. A Salawat follows this recitation, where blessings are invoked upon the Prophet.

Attahiyat Dua in First Tashahud:
It presents the recitation of Attahiyat in the first Tashahud and highlights that in the Shahadah, the right index finger is to be raised and kept up.

This reader will attempt to enlighten, or make easy, how one should properly recite the Attahiyat so that it is a valid prayer and not null and void.

The actual Tashah-hud is in its wording difference according to different narrations; it is a core part of the Islamic prayer. The two versions in Bukhari and Abu Dawud have minor differences in the text. To resolve the ambiguity as to which one to repeat, one submits that both should be memorized and repeated on alternate occasions. For instance, one repeats the Bukhari version in the Fajr, Dhuhr, and Maghrib prayers, and the Abu Dawud in the Asr and Isha prayers.

This way, you are sure that you have not missed any part of the Sunnah in the Tashah-hud. However, if the above method seems cumbersome, you can also stick with the one that you learned first when you were introduced to the prayer. There is no sin when someone chooses not to recite either of the Sunnah forms.

Some notes to be observed include that at Tashah-hud, after the fardh prayers, one can add a supplication. The Noble Prophet felt that when one sits in prayer, they must first declare that all services done, all good deeds accomplished, and all blessings given were from the approval given by Allah. The recitation also consists of extending peace to the Prophet Muhammad and asking for peace for oneself and for all the righteous servants of Allah. On this is a testimony for the oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad (ﷺ) then a supplication for whatever the supplicant wishes. Verily, this overall worship is a means of supplication for one’s self, and all the decent servants in the heavens and the earth.

The hadith of Abdullah (b. Mas`ud) signifies the importance of the Tashahhud, which has the testimony of faith inside of it, as well as invocations upon the Prophet. It explains how the words of invoking peace and blessings ought to be done in the prayer. The Messenger of Allah -peace be upon him- corrected the earlier practice of the companions who would say salam to Allah among other things and he reminded them that Allah is the actual Peace.

The words one is recommended to use for the Tashahhud include praise to Allah and invoking peace to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and the upright servants of Allah. This shows the universality of the supplication in the sense that it goes to every upright servant in the heavens and the earth.

The Tashahhud ends with the declaration of oneness of Allah and acknowledgment of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as his servant and Messenger. After these two integral statements, the worshiper can say any du’a of their choice, which allows for individualistic invocations and requests. This hadith goes to expose how significant the Tashahhud is as a full testimony of faith, glorification, and supplication within the prayer.

Attahiyat, along with Tashahhud, involves some conditions and legal aspects in its recitation :

Hearing the Person Himself Reciting Tashahhud:

One should be able to hear one’s sound due to the recitation made during the prayer.

Consecutive Reading of Tashahhud:

The person should recite the Tashahhud one after another without breaking the silence by other questions from aliens or long periods of noises. Any sound may declare Tashahhud to be void.

Recitation of Tashahhud in the state of

Tashahhud should be read in a sitting position, followed by greetings.

Reciting Tashahhud in Arabic:

Tashahhud must be read in Arabic. If a person cannot read in Arabic, then he can read the translation in a language he understands, but he is encouraged to read it in Arabic after learning.

The individual should maintain the proper pronunciation of Tashahhud letters and pronunciation rules.

Sabdu—Reciting the Lines in Tashahhud the Proper Way:

The lines of sabdu are the lines pronounced properly in Tashahhud.

The Proper Sequence to Recite Tashahhud:

Tashahhud is read in a proper manner or in a proper sequence. A single change in the order can change the meaning, and therefore, a proper sequence has to be maintained.

Shariat Based on Salawat of Attahiyat:

Out loud Recitation:

Salawat should be made audibly for a person who has an ordinary hearing.

Use of Specific Words

Specific words example s of “Muhammad”, “Ar-Rasul”, or “An-Nabi” should be used in Salawat. Simply saying “Ahmad” is, however, not enough.

The Recitation Should Be In Arabic :

Salawat is to be recited in Arabic. If one cannot recite in Arabic, the translation in the language they understand can be used, though it is highly recommended to learn in Arabic.

Maintaining Makhraj and Syaddah:

One should pronounce a word properly and follow the rules and regulations of pronunciation.

Orderly Recital:

Salawat should be recited in the order taught and ordered by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

Benefits of Attahiyat:


Just like any other praying position in the Islamic religion, attahiyat is a form of paying homage to the Ruler of the heaven and the earth, full of glorification, love, and praise.

Four Forms of Dignity:

The attahiyat includes four forms of dignity that include single and special tributes to Allah, the dignity and respect for the Messenger of Allah, the peace brought over oneself, and the peace and blessings for all pious servants of Allah.

Raf’ al-Darajāt:

By uttering respect and wellbeing for all virtuous servants of God, one advances in their membership in the broader collection of the virtuous creatures of God in Earth, attesting to their faith in Allah and His messenger.

Conclusion on Attahiyat Dua:

Attahiyat, specifically the Tashahhud, represents a very important integral part of the Muslim prayer (Salah), whereby it is laden with great spiritual values. It is said while one is seated in an assigned sitting position in the prayer. It consists in the declaration of benedictions, praises, greetings, and avowals. The opening Takbir of prayer(the beginning Allahu Akbar) 2. Tashahhud – It is a meaning that tells about offering of

Tashahhud is one of the pillars of prayer, and he has to say it correctly and sequentially with regard to his prayer.

Varieties of Attahiyat:

There are different varieties to Attahiyat, and depending upon the schooling of thought, the variety taught may be different. It is good to know and use different varieties.

Meaning and Importance:

Attahiyat is respect to Allah, blessings upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and upon oneself and every good true slave of Allah. It is of four types.

Conditions of Tashahud:

There are conditions of reciting Tashahud which are listening to the listener’s self and reading form followed by reading, reading in sitting with salam, reading in proper Arabic, correct pronunciation of the words and reading words order.

When saying Salawat, some of the requirements include, audible recitation, the type of words used, recitation done in the proper Arabic, pronunciation, and the proper order in reciting it.

Benefits of Attahiyat

Attahiyat are kind of tribute to Allah in words of glorification, adoration, and praise. It is a way of increasing one’s affection towards the pious servants of God and declaring faith in both Allah and his messenger.

Spiritual and Ritual Significance:

Significance of reciting Attahiyat: both spiritual and ritual bases of its value lay in submission, acknowledgment of divine greatness, and unity of faith.


Attahiyat is thus a great expression of devotion in the precincts of Islamic prayer, and it summarily contains in it the essence of the tenets of belief, esteem, and humbleness before Almighty Allah. Hence, learning and understanding its variations and conditions contribute to the actual implementation of prayer. ritual in accordance with Islamic teachings.

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